LL.M. in Business Law
Bangkok, Thailand
1 up to 2 Years
Full time
Request application deadline *
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THB 456,000 / per course **
* February-April for August intake | September-October for January intake
** two-years thesis track
Key Summary
Explore scholarship opportunities to help fund your studies
The LL.M. Business Law (International) Program is the first international graduate law program to be offered in Thailand and has since produced a number of outstanding graduates currently pursuing unique legal careers in Thailand and other ASEAN countries. Prospective students to the LL.M. Business Law (International) Program include Thai and foreign legal practitioners, graduate students, and exchange students. One of the most distinctive aspects of the LL.M. Business Law (International) Program is the active participation by our two partner universities, as well as our collaborative efforts in accommodating visiting professors from each partner university teaching selected law courses and broadening opportunities for students to participate in an exchange program among leading international universities.
Student Life in the Program
With Faculty of Law’s central location in the heart of Bangkok, our LL.M. students can benefit from convenient public transportation to/from their classrooms. Faculty of Law is within minutes by walk from MRT Samyan Station, Charmchuri Square, and Samyan Mitr Town. Moreover, Chulalongkorn University provides students with a full range of social welfare services and benefits, including the use of libraries, sport centers, Wi-Fi computer access, a campus shuttle bus service, book discounts from the University Bookstore, and healthcare service from the health clinic and, in a more serious case, Chulalongkorn Hospital. Students can also use the co-working spaces which are scattered around the campus. While most LL.M. students choose to arrange their own accommodation, Chulalongkorn University International House (CU iHouse), which is a new 26-storey on-campus residence, remains an attractive option if a student wishes to live on-campus. All rooms are equipped with adequate facility including Internet Wi-Fi and TV.
Thesis Track
- 2 years program
- Reduced coursework (8 courses for 24 credits)
- Second year devoted primarily to the completion of a 12-credits thesis
The thesis track requires 2 years of full-time study. The first year is dedicated to coursework and the second year to focus on the completion of a thesis, from June to July of the following year (24 ½ months). The thesis track also offers an opportunity to do some coursework. After all coursework and thesis is completed, the student will be required to defend their thesis in front of the thesis committee.
To obtain the basic LL.M. degree, students must complete 36 credits, with a grade point average of 3.0—the equivalent of a “B” average. Twenty-four of the credits are to come from coursework (8 different elective courses), consisting of 48 classroom hours each. The remaining 12 credits are earned by the completion of a thesis.
Non-thesis Track
- 1 year full-time study (August to August)
- Coursework (10 courses for 30 credits)
- Independent research paper (6 credits)
- Comprehensive examination
The non-thesis track (basic program) requires one year of full-time study and research, from August to August of the following year (about 12 and a half months). Course study is followed by time for completion of a research paper and public presentation of the student’s research findings.
To obtain the basic LL.M. degree, students must complete 36 credits, with a grade point average of 3.0—the equivalent of a “B” average. Thirty of the credits are to come from coursework (10 different elective courses), consisting of 48 classroom hours each. The remaining 6 credits are earned by the completion of an independent research paper.
Courses offered
Remarks: An applicant who chose to apply online represents that all submitted documents are valid and accurate.
- Securities Regulation
- Advanced Labor Law
- Law of International Commercial Transactions
- Law for Tax Planning
- Negotiation
- Transnational Law: Theory and Practice
- Advanced Law on Bankruptcy and Business Rehabilitation
- Advanced Intellectual Property Law
- Law relating to Business Organization and Management
- International Economic Law and Institutions
- Law relating to Corporate Crime
- Business and Investment Law in ASEAN Countries
- Advanced Criminal Law
Expected applicants
- Plan A Thesis Expected applicants 10 applicants
- Plan B Non-Thesis Expected applicants 20 applicants