Diploma in Foundation Degree in Early Years and Education
Cambridge, United Kingdom
0 up to 3 Years
Part time
Request application deadline
Aug 2024
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The course runs for 6 semesters. The fees quoted are payable for each year.
This is a part-time course for people passionate about early years who are either working in childcare. They should hold a Level 3 qualification and demonstrate, at interview, the potential to succeed in higher education.
The Foundation Degree is comprised of a range of modules that focus on working with children, and it has a special emphasis on holistic learning. It includes taught elements, individual research elements, and vocational elements related to childcare, with specialist modules enabling you to deepen your knowledge of children's development and learning. These modules cover child development, learning theories, children and families, safeguarding, embracing diversity, children's literacy and numeracy, and legislative frameworks.
Additional modules help you acquire transferable graduate skills: action planning, report writing, and reflective practice. Many of the modules require you to relate theoretical perspectives to practice in your workplace, enabling you to implement new ideas and develop expertise.
On successful completion of the course, you will be awarded an FDA.
The Foundation Degree can also be used as a stepping stone to Early Years Teacher Status (EYTS) or the BA in Early Childhood Studies. Anglia Ruskin University welcomes CRC students to top up qualifications.
Students who have their Foundation Degree in Early Years and Education have opened their own nurseries, gained teaching qualifications, worked as Family Liaison Officers, or worked in a range of other sector-related careers.
Each of the modules is formally assessed, and several written formats are used: learning records, reflective practice reports, essays, focussed portfolios, and action plans. Occasionally work is assessed through presentations, displays, or demonstrations. Level 5 results contribute to the overall degree classification. Students who are referred on assignments are normally given additional tutorial support and the opportunity to resubmit later.
Entry requirements:
A passion for the wellbeing and rights of children is paramount.
Level 3 qualifications could be related to Childcare, Health, and Social Care or A-Level, but other Level 3 qualifications will be considered.
GCSE English grade C (or grade 4) or good literacy skills.
Applicants should either be working in an Early Years setting or willing to start employment or voluntary placement for at least two days a week.
All applicants must have a current Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) document.