BA (Hons) in Business
Lincoln, United Kingdom
3 Years
Full time
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GBP 12,690 / per year
Key Summary
This course allows you to study Business as a single honours degree, giving you an in-depth knowledge of the subject.
Studying Business at BGU offers you a doorway into the inner workings of organisations in a local, national and international way. Our central philosophy is to embed your learning about the business into real-world contexts while also supporting your developing academic knowledge and understanding of theories and models of business practice.
Key Facts
- Award: BA (Hons)
- UCAS Code: N100
- Duration: 3 years
- Mode of Study: Full-time
- Start Date: September
- Awarding Institution: Bishop Grosseteste University
- Institution Code: B38
About The Course
Our BA (Hons) Business degree programme will enable you to develop a deep understanding of the wide spectrum of business-related subjects through a coherent range of modules that enable you to enhance and build your knowledge, skills and understanding as you go through each year.
You will learn about how businesses develop strategic thinking, how they operationally function and what they need to consider in order to ensure that they are profitable and productive. Each year of the degree builds on the one before; in year one you focus on understanding the fundamentals of business including economics and finance, leadership, the development of business ideas and how businesses run. In year two you deepen your knowledge of particular elements of business practice such as human resource management and marketing. In year three the focus is on extending your knowledge and skills to the wider world, and you will consider the psychology of organisations and what leadership for a changing world, as well as how businesses of all sizes need to develop their corporate strategy. You will also extend your understanding of the international perspective through considering entrepreneurship in a wider context.
In this course, you have the chance to develop real-world experiences by taking ownership of your own learning and designing and managing business projects focused on areas of interest that you have. As each year of the degree progresses you have the opportunity to carry out this work locally, nationally, or internationally with a range of BGU business and academic networks.
The BA (Hons) Business degree has also been mapped to a CMI Level 5 Diploma in Management and Leadership giving you the chance to augment your degree with a professional qualification if you choose to do so; for more information on costs for this please contact the programme leader.
There is no one-size-fits-all method of teaching at BGU – we shape our methods to suit each subject and each group, combining the best aspects of traditional university teaching with innovative techniques to promote student participation and interactivity.
You will be taught in a variety of ways, from lectures, tutorials and seminars, to practical workshops, coursework and work-based placements. Small group seminars and workshops will provide you with an opportunity to review issues raised in lectures, and you will be expected to carry out independent study.
Placements are a key part of degree study at BGU. They provide an enriching learning experience for you to apply the skills and knowledge you will gain from your course and, in doing so, give valuable real-world experience to boost your career.
We recognise that individuals come from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences, so we use a variety of assessment strategies on our courses.
Careers & Further Study
Six ‘Graduate Attributes’ are embedded in all BGU programmes and all students will gain an award alongside their degree. Students have the option to gain a higher level award by undertaking additional activities opportunities and learning.
Each Graduate Attribute is designed to support you in gaining skills which will set you apart. These are embedded in your degree programmes, but to gain the Excellence Award you can choose to undertake a series of additional activities.
The Excellence Award will help you to:
- Enhance your personal development by gaining new skills
- Be recognised for your achievements
- Participate in activities, meet new people and have fun!
Studying at BGU is a student-centred experience. Staff and students work together in a friendly and supportive atmosphere as part of an intimate campus community. You will know every member of staff personally and feel confident approaching them for help and advice, and staff members will recognise you, not just by sight, but as an individual with unique talents and interests. We will be there to support you, personally and academically, from induction to graduation.
Scholarships and Funding
Scholarships covering up to 50% of the tuition fee are available.
Application Process
To apply for a BGU scholarship you must first apply for, and have been offered a place on, one of our programmes. Once you are in receipt of an offer for a programme, you have to fill in the application form available on the school website.
You will be asked to identify which scholarship you are applying for and as part of the process applicants will be asked to describe their academic achievements, relevant professional experience and/ or career goal. Applicants should also refer to any other information, which supports their application. This could include, but is not limited to:
- Academic merit – Course entry requirements are met including English Language Requirements, Examination results, transcripts, references, Academic prizes or awards.
- Career Aspirations – applicants should tell us about their chosen career goal and their aspirations to contribute to their chosen field. Applicants should establish the relevance of the proposed academic course to his/her career plans.
- Financial need – Applicants will need to explain their financial situation and how they intend to cover the remaining expenses, should their application be successful. Even with a scholarship, applicants will need to evidence they can cover their living expenses within the UK to meet the requirements for a Tier 4 visa.
- Developmental impact – Applicants should explain how they plan to use their study to develop and contribute to society in their own country. Applicants should evidence any past commitment to ’development’ agendas through participation in relevant projects.
- Extracurricular Activity – Applicants should provide evidence of activities, which has enhanced their graduate attributes for example, examples of volunteering, leadership, charity work.
Application forms should be completed and sent to admissions@bishopg.ac.uk and should be clearly marked ‘International Scholarship Application’ in the subject line.
Whilst BGU offer this range of scholarships it cannot guarantee that your application for one will be successful. The scholarship application process is competitive and BGU reserve the right to not grant scholarships to those who provide evidence of the above criteria, if the application is not of the required quality.
All scholarships awarded will be valid for the lifetime of the programme, for postgraduate applicants this is one year and for undergraduate applicants it is three years.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.