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Birmingham Metropolitan College


Whether you’re a school leaver looking to advance your qualifications and career prospects or an adult returning to learning to start a new career, get a promotion at work, or even start your own business, BMet will support you all the way. You’ll benefit from our partnerships with world-leading employers and our links with top universities.

Whether you’re a school leaver looking to advance your qualifications and career prospects or an adult returning to learning to start a new career, get a promotion at work, or even start your own business, BMet will support you all the way. You’ll benefit from our partnerships with world-leading employers and our links with top universities. Our state-of-the-art facilities, passionate staff, exceptional academic and careers advice, and financial support will help ensure that you realize your dreams.

With courses on offer at our colleges across Birmingham, you can be sure there’s a college on your doorstep where you will find first-class learning opportunities. We offer full-time courses for school leavers, including A-Levels and vocational qualifications, full-time Access to Higher Education courses, part-time adult professional development, entry-level and recreational courses, and full and part-time degree-level study.

  • Birmingham

    High Street,10, B35 7PR, Birmingham

    Birmingham Metropolitan College