Bethany College
At Bethany College, we value individuals and believe in the community. We know every human being is worthwhile, can make valuable contributions in the world, and is responsible for doing so.
At Bethany College, we value individuals and believe in the community. We know every human being is worthwhile, can make valuable contributions in the world, and is responsible for doing so. Working together in service builds character, deepens relationships, improves our quality of life, and brings meaning to life. Bethany College offers students the opportunity to study and live on a campus located in one of the Midwest’s most distinctive communities. Lindsborg is a friendly college town, and unlike most other towns, it has taken deliberate steps to retain and enhance a rich cultural tradition. It is known especially for its art and music and the renewed emphasis on Lindsborg’s Scandinavian heritage.
- Lindsborg
East Swensson Street,335, 67456, Lindsborg