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Bath Spa University BA (Hons) in Architecture
Bath Spa University

BA (Hons) in Architecture

3 up to 4 Years


Full time, Part time

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GBP 17,585 / per year *


* international full time | UK part time: £4,625 | UK full time: £9,250 | professional placement year full time for UK: £1,850 international: £3,517

Key Summary

    About: The BA (Hons) in Architecture offers a comprehensive education in architectural design and theory. This program focuses on creativity, sustainability, and practical skills essential for a career in the field. You'll engage in design projects, workshops, and collaborative work, preparing you for the evolving demands of architecture.
    Career Outcomes: Graduates can explore various career paths, including roles as architectural designers, urban planners, and project managers. Opportunities also exist in construction management, landscape architecture, and interior design.


Where we live and work shapes who we are – whether in a built or natural environment. On our Architecture degree, you’ll learn about the relationships between conservation, planning, and using and reusing spaces in response to crucial issues such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and supporting fair societies.

How we design, create, reinvent, and repurpose our built environment constantly evolves, and we’ll prepare you to be a responsive, resilient, flexible, and imaginative practitioner. You’ll work on projects and live briefs with external collaborators from your first year on the course.

Bath is a World Heritage City that has always been at the cutting edge of architecture; the balance of old and new here is evident in everything from the city’s famous Georgian buildings to the recently redeveloped former Herman Miller factory site that has become Bath Spa University’s state-of-the-art Locksbrook Campus. BA Architecture at Bath Spa teaches you about buildings and materials their location and their historical and future contexts.

This course is prescribed by the Architects Registration Board (ARB) for entry into the United Kingdom Register of Architects. Prescription is subject to the conditions of prescription being met and maintained and to periodic review. The qualification is currently prescribed until 31 December 2028.

As a prescribed course, it forms the undergraduate degree element of the Part 1 qualification towards becoming an architect.

Professional Placement Year

This year provides you with the opportunity to identify, apply for, and secure professional experience, normally comprising one to three placements over a minimum of nine months. Successful completion of this module will demonstrate your ability to secure and sustain graduate-level employment.

By completing the module, you'll be entitled to the addition of 'with Professional Placement Year' to your degree title.

Before your Professional Placement Year, you'll work to secure your placement, constructing a development plan with your module leader and your placement coordinator from our Careers and Employability team.

On your return to the University for your final year, you'll submit your Placement Portfolio, detailing your development on your placement, for assessment.

Please note that the Professional Placement Year does not count towards the year of professional experience required for Part One of the qualifications to become an architect.

Read more on the institution's website



Program Outcome

Program Tuition Fee

Career Opportunities


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About the School
