Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) by Research in Natural Health Science
1 up to 4 Semesters
English, Italian
Full time, Part time
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EUR 2,275
Distance Learning
Key Summary
PhD by research via Distance Learning is awarded after successfully completing a theoretical research specialization. This research is presented in the form of a doctoral thesis.The PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) is the only doctoral degree that can be achieved through distance learning.The main requirement for a PhD online through distance learning is to present and discuss a thesis of at least 100 pages for review and evaluation by an academic committee at Selinus University.
Natural medicine believes that healing will prevail when health conditions exist. When traditional aquatic therapies, herbs, physical medicine and nutrition are used correctly, the body's self-healing is facilitated. The final thesis of this doctoral program should cover mental, emotional and spiritual connections with various pathological states and how they are overcome. In addition to developing methodologies for the use of various natural medicines, the candidate should indicate the new and important perspective of life force and its role in the healing process, when used together with the principles of natural health sciences.
Program Outline
65 academic credits besides a Master's program. Max Average Duration: 18 months + 6 months further on demand.
Thesis Defence
Considering that APUW students come from all over the world, often miles away from the university headquarters, the Doctor PhD degree via distance learning thesis can be defended in three different ways:
- Written Defence: the student develops his/her defence in a 5 pages report;
- Oral Defense: (recommended) the student sends an audio or video file (at least 30 minutes duration) containing his/her defence;
- In presence: speaking in front of two/three professors of APUW University. The student sets a date with the Secretariat to defend his/her thesis in the APUW headquarters.
Program Tuition Fee
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.