Master's in Directing Cinema and Digital Media
Prague 1, Czech Republic
3 Years
Full time
24 Jan 2025*
15 Sep 2025
CZK 518,000 / per year
* all the deadlines are running in the Central European Time. Deadlines include the last given day, until 23:59:59
Key Summary
Explore scholarship opportunities to help fund your studies
Established in 2008, Directing Cinema and Digital Media is a three-year follow-up Master's program for graduate students who already received a BA degree in Cinema or another field.
The students are selected for the program based on the evaluation of their talents and necessary skills level. The intentionally low number of students guarantees a personalized approach to every single student.
The program is built on the system of mentor-led workshops providing small groups of students (six or less) intensive hands-on guidance on how to transform a creative idea into a fully realized short film. Tuition includes at least one short film production in every semester (year one and two) and final film (year three), using both digital (HDV, HDSLR, and other) and analog (16 and 35 mm) technology, on location and in the school‘s own studio.
Alongside that, students receive a number of compulsory and elective courses providing them with the necessary theoretical and practical tools associated with the work of the professional filmmaker.
Teachers and mentors in the program include full-time faculty from the eleven degree-granting departments of FAMU, as well as other artists, academics, and film professionals as part-time faculty. The program is complemented with additional elective courses, workshops, and modules – short intensive courses taught by professional guest artists, theorists, and visiting professors.
Ideal Students
Our master's programs taught in English are based on a long-established concept of master-level studies that have been proven in practice. They are conceived as a unique combination of teaching traditional film techniques, the use of new technologies and procedures in practice, a broad theoretical and historical basis, exploring new trends, and emphasis on the students' own development as original artists.
Our goal is to provide a comprehensive education in individual fields of study and to train creative and experienced professionals who are ready for practical life and can start to successfully build their careers. The small number of students studying individual courses allows us a highly individual approach to each student.
The master-level studies are intended for applicants:
- Who have deep interest and experience in the field which they intend to study
- Whose current work meets the specification required for individual categories of the aptitude entrance tests
- Who have completed their bachelor's degree studies or are in the last year of their bachelor's degree studies
The program is completed with Thesis, First Draft of Long Feature Screenplay, Final Exam from Film History and Theory and Final film.
Upon the successful completion of the program students receive Master's degree.