4 Degrees in History in Switzerland for 2024

Degrees in History in Switzerland for 2024Filter
  • Bachelor of Arts in History

    Franklin University Switzerland

    • Lugano, Switzerland

    Full time

    4 years



    A History degree gives you a deeper and more profound understanding of the forces that shaped and continue to shape the world we live in. By focusing on change in the past, the History program enables students to better comprehend and contextualize current and future events.

  • Master's in History

    University Of Bern

    • Bern, Switzerland



    The Master program in History teaches students how to conduct research and write academic papers and in this manner enables students to pursue careers in a variety of professions. The Master program in History at the Institute of History at the University of Bern is designed to expand students' knowledge of methodology and empirical research and results, whereby the major and mono courses of study focus on the ability to independently produce scholarly work. Students can either focus on one (minor) or two subjects (major and mono) that they choose themselves. The institute's goal is to expand students' knowledge of the historical dimension of human existence in the context of the interdependence between politics, society, the economy, the environment and culture. Further aims are to get students to critically question handed-down concepts and memories, to highlight long-neglected interconnections and to counteract opinions that are commonly held to be true. These aspects, as well as an individual focus on specific topics and methods of historical research, will enable students to complete tasks that generally cannot be conceptualized or conducted in such form in other disciplines both within and outside the humanities and social sciences.

  • Bachelor of Arts in historical sciences

    Swiss Distance University Institute

    • Brig, Switzerland



    Why train in history? Are you passionate about the events of the recent past? Want to better understand the news? Are you interested in the media? Then a course in contemporary history is for you. At UniDistance Switzerland, you explore the 19th and 20th centuries in a lively and hands-on way.

    • Switzerland Online, Switzerland

    Part time

    9 semesters

    Distance Learning


    The course provides students with an in-depth understanding of the development of contemporary societies (19th and 20th centuries). This development is characterized by the opposing development of globalization and the opening of borders on the one hand and the strengthening of national identities and cultural particularisms on the other.