6 Graduate Certificate Degrees in Aerospace Engineering 2024

Graduate Certificate Degrees in Aerospace Engineering 2024Filter
    • Darwin, Australia

    Full time

    6 months

    Distance Learning


    The Graduate Certificate of Aeromedical Retrieval is an innovative course that will extend knowledge gained through your health studies and develop foundational research skills and a complex understanding of aeromedical retrieval.

  • Distance Learning


    The Graduate Certificate in Aerospace Engineering provides an introduction to aerospace engineering disciplines, including fluid flow, propulsion, and structures. A graduate certificate requires completion of 9 credits of 500-level and above graduate work. Students may apply for and complete just the certificate or may apply for both the certificate and a degree program. This allows students to start with the certificate and continue to a more advanced degree.

  • Distance Learning


    Start developing the skills you need to break into the rapidly evolving aerospace industry. The Graduate Certificate in Aerospace: Satellites, Radars and Remote Sensing provides an introduction to aerospace engineering disciplines, including satellites, radars and remote sensing. A graduate certificate requires completion of 9 credits of 500-level and above graduate work. Students may apply for and complete just the certificate or may apply for both the certificate and a degree program. This allows students to start with the certificate and continue to a more advanced degree.

    • London, Canada

    Full time

    1 year



    Composites and Advanced Materials Aerospace Manufacturing is a one-year graduate certificate program designed for students who have a background in engineering or aircraft structural repair. Students will engage with materials, design, and fabrication theory and practices for composites and advanced materials. Graduates will be prepared to work as technicians or technologists in manufacturing and assembly.

    • Tallahassee, USA



    Today’s aerospace industry has highly interdisciplinary technological needs. Its engineers represent a variety of disciplines, and those who hold aerospace degrees make up a relatively small fraction of the industry.

    • London, Canada

    Full time

    1 year



    Applied Aerospace Manufacturing is a one-year graduate program for students with previous knowledge who want to gain the skills required for a career in aircraft maintenance and repair. Students will learn the use of aircraft maintenance tools, assembly, and structural analysis techniques.