2 Degrees in Governance in Estonia for 2024

Degrees in Governance in Estonia for 2024Filter
    • Tallinn, Estonia

    Full time

    3 years



    The BA in Politics and Governance is a contemporary academic program combining a strong politics and governance core with a variety of choices including international relations, economics, and management. It is a curriculum aiming to prepare students for the more complex and interrelated world. No country or company is an island these days – they are all affected by political, societal, and economic trends, national and international policies, and governmental and non-governmental actors. The program equips students with a broad knowledge basis to prepare them for a future not just in the government or party politics, but also as knowledgeable and able actors in international organizations, the third sector, or even the private sector.

    • Tartu, Estonia

    Full time

    2 years



    If you are interested in the future of the world and want to have a say in the rapidly changing environment, then EGACC is the program for you. EGACC is an international program designed to teach how to resolve social, environmental, and economic challenges the world is facing today. It covers a very broad field of subjects from policies and legislation to information technology and science in the light of various challenges caused by climatic change. Waste issues, water shortage problems, global warming-induced challenges are all the harsh realities we are facing today, and sadly it is getting worse tomorrow. Environmental Governance and Adaption to Climate Change is a joint study program between the Estonian University of Life Sciences and the University of Tartu. The general objective is to prepare middle managers with comprehensive and specific knowledge and practical skills, who, as specialists, are able to take responsibility and make strategic decisions to formulate and implement environmental management and environmental policy at the international level, considering the climate change and the European Green Deal.