7 Find a gamification degree

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    • Tallinn, Estonia

    Full time

    4 semesters



    Digital Learning Games (DLG) is a Master’s programme that combines game design with education sciences. Our goal is to bring together people from different backgrounds, form heterogeneous teams, and make games that tackle educational and societal issues.

    • Lincoln, United Kingdom

    Full time

    1 year



    MSc Games Development and Design is designed to build on students' existing computer programming skills, providing them with the knowledge and expertise to develop contemporary video games using a variety of advanced tools and platforms such as virtual reality.

    • Tampere, Finland

    Full time

    2 years



    Master's Programme in Game Studies provides an in-depth view of the fundamental character of games and play. Expanding from entertainment to other areas of life, games have grown into a form of culture and human interaction that is a crucial part of our social life and current media landscape. The program is particularly targeted at training experts on games and play. We approach games and play from the interconnected perspectives of games, game players, the production of games, and games in cultures.

    • Geneva, Switzerland

    Full time

    4 years



    A major in Media Studies will provide you with essential skills in oral, visual and written communications. You will gain proficiency in critical thinking and social media, some of the top skills that employers seek in any career field. The program balances practical media skills with a solid academic path.

  • Master of Educational Technology

    Wilson College (Pennsylvania)

    • Online USA


    Innovation in instructional technology is happening quickly, and schools do not always have the resources to respond at the same pace.

  • 3D / Games


    • Cologne, Germany

    Full time


    English, German

    Lab.D, which stands for Laboratory for Dimensional research, is a primary facility at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne, KHM for research and production of interdisciplinary projects dealing with 3D technologies and investigating space, time and play as a principal thematic field.

  • MSc in 3D Computer Games Design

    Staffordshire University

    Full time



    This 1-year course will help you develop excellent skills in 3D modelling and sculpting or computer games design theory and application.