4 Degrees in Food Sciences in Mexico for 2024

Degrees in Food Sciences in Mexico for 2024Filter
  • Doctorate in Food Sciences

    Universidad de Sonora

    • Hermosillo, Mexico

    Full time

    4 years



    General Objective: To offer a framework of specialized academic training to graduates of Biological Sciences, Chemical-Biologists, Chemical Engineering, Agronomists and related careers, forming human resources of excellent level, with a solid preparation in diverse areas of science, that are capable of carry out original and independent research that represents significant advances in the field of Food Sciences and Technology, with greater emphasis on the areas of grains and aquaculture products. Also, provide them with an in-depth and comprehensive overview so that they are able to identify relevant problems in their work areas and generate applicable knowledge.

  • Master in Food Science

    Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo

    • Pachuca, Mexico



    The purpose of the Master in Food Science is to study the aspects that have to do with the use, characterization, and conservation of agri-food products and by-products, to respond to social demands and face the challenges posed by the transformations of the contemporary world in the food field.

    • Hermosillo, Mexico

    Full time

    2 years



    General Objective: To offer a framework of specialized academic training to graduates of Biological Sciences, Chemical-Biologists, Chemical Engineering, Agronomists and related careers, forming human resources of excellent level, with a solid preparation in diverse areas of science, that are capable of carry out original and independent research that represents significant advances in the field of Food Sciences and Technology, with greater emphasis on the areas of grains and aquaculture products. Also, provide them with an in-depth and comprehensive overview so that they are able to identify relevant problems in their work areas and generate applicable knowledge.


    Technological University of Mixteca

    • México, Mexico



    To train specialists of the high level of educational and human quality in the areas of Chemistry, Biochemistry, Food Engineering, Food Sciences, or related areas, capable of carrying out scientific, technological, professional, and teaching activities in the chemistry of natural products and foods that contribute to the development of science and technology, and participate in the training of high-level academic human resources.