1 Degrees in Fashion Styling in Taiwan for 2024

Degrees in Fashion Styling in Taiwan for 2024Filter
  • Fashion Styling

    TransWorld University

    • Taipei, Taiwan



    The focus of vocational education in the 21st century is on the course of innovation and professional skills. The Department of Fashion Styling’s objective is to provide the students an environment for developing character, knowledge, physical culture, communication, and aesthetics. The Department of Fashion Styling is establishing a new direction for vocational students and a different way of undergraduate learning. The Department of Fashion Styling stresses styling design and integrates classes of certificates, practical training, internship, and image design classes to train students to be well-trained styling designers in all aspects. The Department of Fashion Styling has won 4 gold medals, 7 silver medals and 6 bronze medals in international competitions from 2008 to 2010, also been rewarded “Outstanding Student Award of Technological and Vocational Education” for 3 years.