4 Degrees in Entertainment Business in Australia for 2024

Degrees in Entertainment Business in Australia for 2024Filter
    • 69, Australia



    To succeed as a creative industry manager you need a fundamental understanding of entertainment business. This Diploma will give you the background to the industry, and provide a core understanding of business practices and the challenges faced when commercialising music, entertainment and the arts.It will help you develop your communication skills for marketing plans, briefs, proposals, ad copy and media releases, and gain the hands-on experience you will need in negotiating, copyright, intellectual property, licensing and the legalities of the industry

    • 69, Australia



    Explore content production, tour and festival management, marketing, branding, contract negotiating, entrepreneurship and business planning, copyright and intellectual property with a Bachelor of Entertainment Business ManagementJMC will provide you with the highly transferable cutting-edge business and management skills you need to make it in this highly competitive and rapidly expanding industry. Meet the people that matter, get real-world experience in stage and production management, music publishing, talent management and event management, and gain an innate understanding of the entertainment industry and how to manage it. Also, join our Student Exchange at the Fontys Academy of Creative Industries in Holland. The choice and future is yours!

  • Diploma of Business

    Griffith College - Australia

    • Level 5, Australia



    Whether you have ambitions of starting your own business or climbing the career ladder in a large organisation, the Diploma of Business will give you the fundamental business and leadership skills to progress.On graduation, you will be able to take your pick from Queensland’s widest range of business majors, including Financial Planning, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Event Management and Real Estate and Property Development.

  • Masters Qualifying Program

    Griffith College - Australia

    • Level 5, Australia



    The Masters Qualifying Program is delivered by Griffith College for Griffith University to provide you with the knowledge, values and skills required for successful completion of studies at postgraduate level in Australia.Once you successfully complete all four courses in the Masters Qualifying Program and meet other relevant entry criteria, you can progress to a Griffith University Masters Program of Study. You may receive advanced standing of 10 credit points for completion of the Masters Qualifying Program in Managing Organisations OR Project Management for Postgraduate Students