2 Degrees in Educational Leadership in Portugal for 2024

Degrees in Educational Leadership in Portugal for 2024Filter
  • Doctorate in Education

    Universidade de Aveiro

    • Aveiro, Portugal

    6 semesters



    Develop original theoretical knowledge on the foundations and practices of education, training and development of educational organizations;

  • Master in Administration and Management of Education

    Institute of Paços de Brandão (Instituto Superior de Paços de Brandão)

    • Lisbon, Portugal



    The learning objectives of the master in Administration and Management of Education are: Qualify for the exercise of administration and management in education with regard to the functions of direction and pedagogical, administrative, and financial management of educational and teaching establishments. Understand the organizational dynamics of schools from a scientific perspective and according to the main models and theories of analysis of the school organization. Apply scientific research methodologies with a view to studying the processes and practices of organization, leadership, and administrative and pedagogical management of educational and teaching establishments. Develop capacities for educational innovation and intervention in the educational and school context, taking into account the contributions of research in education. Develop skills that allow lifelong learning, in a fundamentally self-oriented or autonomous way, according to a professional development perspective.