16 Degrees in Educational Leadership in Mexico for 2024

Degrees in Educational Leadership in Mexico for 2024Filter
    • Online Mexico

    Part time

    18 months

    Distance Learning


    The Master in Leadership and Management of Educational Centers will provide you with the necessary knowledge to acquire leadership and educational administration capacity, which will allow you to improve the quality of the training service of the institutions of which you are part.

  • Master's Degree in Education and Social Interaction

    ITESO - Universidad Jesuita de Guadalajara

    • Tlaquepaque, Mexico

    Full time

    26 months

    Distance Learning, On-Campus


    This Master's Degree is the only program that contributes to transforming education into a place for meeting and collaboration designed to build a fairer society.

    • Guadalupe, Mexico



    The Master in Management and Administration of Educational Centers is based on the need to prepare human resources that assume a leadership role, who can direct, supervise and evaluate pedagogical and educational activities. As well as developing the study plans and programs that are required by educational institutions and, where appropriate, present them to the Secretary of Education in the State and the Secretary of Public Education in the Federation.

  • Master of Education with Educational Management and Teaching Competences

    Antonio Caso University (Universidad Antonio Caso)

    • Heroica Veracruz, Mexico



    The Master of Education with Educational Management and Teaching Competences aims to: Train teachers in Education capable of providing solutions to the different educational contexts, which allow directing and establishing strategies that allow managing administrative functions, decision-making to implement improvements and the capacity to evaluate schools.

  • Master in Administration and Management of Educational Centers

    Education and Cultural Development of Monterrey (Educación y Desarrollo Cultural de Monterrey)

    • Monterrey, Mexico



    Be part of the select group of education professionals with administrative training to perform or aspire to occupy a better job position, having tools that position you at a high level of preparation for positions of leadership, coordination, direction, or entrepreneurship of educational institutions.


    Chihuahua Centre for Postgraduate Studies (Centro Chihuahuense de Estudios de Posgrado)

    • Chihuahua, Mexico



    GENERAL PURPOSE OF THE PROGRAM: Contribute to the positive transformation of the educational system and institutions, in order to make effective the right to quality education for all Chihuahuan girls, boys, and young people, through the training of educational leaders.

    • Hermosillo, Mexico

    Full time

    2 years



    General Objective: To train high quality academic personnel capable of conceiving, promoting and developing innovations in higher education and conducting research to support educational change, fostering an understanding of the interactive process between education and the economic, political and social framework, in the context of the new international scenarios.

  • Master of Educational Management

    Centre for Advanced Studies in Education / Centro de Estudios Superiores en Educación (CESE)

    • Mexico City, Mexico



    The Curriculum of the Master in Educational Management has as a distinctive feature, that of training professionals capable of designing and articulating projects and interventions that facilitate new forms of relationship between the actors of the educational process, to favor the establishment of contextualized practices that promote training and development of the communities that make up the educational centers. The Master in Educational Management is aimed at management and teaching personnel interested in creating the conditions and scenarios that allow improving the operation of educational institutions.


    American Technological University (Universidad Tecnológica Americana (UTECA))

    • Mexico City, Mexico



    It is a master's degree that develops leadership and management skills for educational institutions. He is a person who is interested in knowing his students and transmitting knowledge in a simple and effective way. It also has the ability to combine theory with practice. Furthermore, he is an organized and patient individual.


    Universidad México Americana del Norte

    • Reynosa, Mexico


    OBJECTIVE: To train professionals, teachers and administrators of education, through a solid, theoretical, methodological and updated preparation, which allows them to provide innovative proposals and solutions to the educational problems of the Institutions.

    • Hermosillo, Mexico

    Full time

    3 years



    General Objective: To train researchers who are capable of producing original knowledge about educational realities and apply them in a creative way with the purpose of contributing, with ethical sense, to the solution of problems and the attention of educational needs, through the formulation of fundamentals that sustain innovations and educational reforms at the regional and national levels.


    Centre for Advanced Pedagogical and Educational Studies of San Luis Potosí (Centro de Altos Estudios Pedagógicos y Educativos de San Luis Potosí)

    • San Luis Potosi, Mexico



    Curriculum design assumes levels of sequential and increasing complexity that facilitate the understanding of the phenomena and their necessary theoretical-practical articulation of the teaching and learning process. The curriculum integrates the most relevant contributions from the disciplines that address administrative problems and meaningful contributions to its systematic and interdisciplinary knowledge. Its modular structure aims to facilitate the learning of the theoretical-methodological foundations of specific areas of knowledge that address the study of the educational phenomenon together with its administrative implications, propose explanations, and integrate solutions. The Curriculum is made up of four courses of homogenization of knowledge (one per semester, without value in credits) and twelve compulsory, of which ten with common and two electives, eligible within a range of topics that broaden and diversify experiences of learning in educational planning, direction, evaluation, and supervision.

  • Master in Management and Administration of Educational Institutions

    Euro Hispanic-American University (Universidad Euro Hispanoamericana)

    • Xalapa-Enríquez, Mexico



    The Master in Management and Administration of Educational Institutions of the Euro Hispanoamericana University, contributes to the management, administration, and direction of public or private educational institutions, through the understanding and adaptation of the different policies, models, projects, and educational regulations for the solution of problems inherent to these, depending on the context and from an innovative perspective.

    • Mexico City, Mexico



    The Master's Degree in Administration of Educational Institutions seeks to train specialists capable of applying management models, through the design of innovative projects and programs for solving problems with an ethical approach. innovative management models through the use of analytical and financial tools, as well as the generation of sustainable and sustainable integrated projects that contribute to the economic and social development of their community

    • Chihuahua, Mexico



    Train professionals in the international area who will assume responsibility for promoting curricular internationalization within their institutions by applying the COIL model. Aimed at: coordinators/managers of the international area interested in knowing how to incorporate and administer courses that incorporate the COIL model in their institutions.