1 Degrees in Economics in Munich, Germany for 2024

Degrees in Economics in Munich, Germany for 2024Filter
    • Munich, Germany

    Full time

    3 years



    The Bachelor specialization of Economics & Management is the broadest of the selection of bachelor specialisations, enabling students to understand management from an international and organisational, economy based perspective. Knowledge of how the economy works has become essential to businesses around the world. The idea that the way companies and organisations, consumers and governments make decisions that will affect the operation, performance and eventual success of a firm has been embedded within business administration, which makes the program Economics & Management the broadest business degree on offer. Economics concerns the conduct of business within the local, social and political environment, as well as looking at the conduct of business, government policy-making, laws and restrictions and the enormous changes taking place within Europe, America, Asia, Africa and the rest of the world.