1 Distance Learning Degrees in Economics in Central America and Caribbean for 2024

Distance Learning Degrees in Economics in Central America and Caribbean for 2024Filter
    • London, United Kingdom
    • Ragusa, Italy
    • + 1 more

    Full time, Part time

    1 year

    Distance Learning

    English, Italian

    The economics science program studies how people interact with things of value. Specifically, the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Economics focuses on the behavior and interactions of economic agents and how economies work. Economics is a science because it can be approached scientifically and its theories can be tested. However, economists are not scientists but technicians, who need to continually delve into laws and rules by interpreting their meaning for the best application in economics and finance. This program uses the A.P.E.L. (Accreditation Prior Experiential Learning) system. It is addressed to 30 years old Managers, Entrepreneurs, Professionals having at least 5 years of industry experience. A Master's degree or equivalent is required to access the program. The entire course is carried out in Distance Learning.