28 programs in Mexico
- Diploma
- Mexico
28 programs in Mexico
- Mexico City, Mexico
The Luxury Management Diploma is organized by the Anahuac University of Mexico and the European Institute of Luxury (IELujo). It is specifically designed for professionals and companies in Mexico and Latin America. The Luxury Management diploma began its first edition in 2017 and has already successfully completed 5 editions until 2021, running smoothly even in times of pandemic. In May 2021 we finished the 5th generation that had to pass in live streaming format with international students and from all over the republic.
Le Cordon Bleu Mexico
Grand Diplôme - Cuisine and Pastry
- Buenavista, Mexico
- Mexicali, Mexico
Full time
English, Spanish
All our Programs and Courses are taught in Le Cordon Bleu Mexico – Universidad Anahuac Norte. With a complete and solid knowledge of the techniques, students delve into the working methods and analyze the environment of high confectionery.
- Mexico City, Mexico
The Anahuac University of Mexico and the European Institute of Luxury - IELujo organize and teach the Luxury Sales Diploma, the only specialized course in the marketing and sale of luxury items and services in Mexico and Latin America that offers an official university certification. A panel of 12 experts (including professors and speakers) participates, all of the active managers of the main luxury companies, who ensure the quality and timeliness of the knowledge that we transmit in each of the lectures and lectures. The Luxury Sales Diploma responds to the commercial needs of companies in the Luxury sector, allowing them to develop successful marketing strategies adapted to the new reality of the luxury market that will allow them to differentiate themselves, compete successfully and achieve their sales objectives.
Autonomous University of the City of Mexico
Diploma in Freud-Lacan Psychoanalysis
- Mexico City, Mexico
Today we have established ourselves as one of the few public and free spaces dedicated to transmitting psychoanalysis in a serious, rigorous, and systematic way in Mexico City, so after ten years of continuous commitment to the UACM we decided that the time is right to rethink the project again, with the aim of making a logical progression that seems necessary to us for a space for teaching, research, analysis and reflection whose main character has been to keep in constant change and improvement. And, to carry it out, we must take a sabbatical year, which means that we will not open the ninth promotion for the Freud-Lacan Diploma in Psychoanalysis 2017-II / 2018-I.
Autonomous University of the City of Mexico
- Mexico City, Mexico
A cinematographic analysis is the application, development, and invention of theories and disciplines that deal with the explanation, description, interpretation, investigation, examination, and decomposition of filmic works, with the aim of reaching their understanding. The above implies a methodological and epistemological reflection on the concepts, categories, and tools implemented, both to access a better understanding of the works and to perfect the analysis devices. Therefore, it is essential that every higher educational institution has programs dedicated to it.
Centre for Human Development and Gestalt Psychotherapy (Centro de Desarrollo Humano y Psicoterapia Gestalt)
Diploma in Family Development
- Oaxaca, Mexico
Being a Father / Mother represents a wonderful opportunity for growth. It implies recognizing and developing one's own resources to accompany our children in the development of their potentials in a safe, loving space with consistent limits. The Diploma in Family Development is a space to explore our interior here and now, to strengthen ourselves and resignify the mission that as a parent we consciously choose or not. Objective: That the participants identify what their communication patterns are, how they learned them and how they produce them. Also, that they learn more nutritional forms of communication. Recognize your wounded inner child, rescue it, and begin the path to its recovery and reunion with your children. At the same time that they recognize their learning and the resources they have to be today, the parents that they are. Accept themselves as free beings, with the ability to choose and take responsibility so that they can accompany their children in the construction of their own freedom and responsibility. Find a new meaning of love, as the sure way to provide your children with a sense of belonging and security and at the same time as an option to let them go free, trusting that you have done your best to let them go.
Centre for Human Development and Gestalt Psychotherapy (Centro de Desarrollo Humano y Psicoterapia Gestalt)
Diploma in Bach Flowers
- Oaxaca, Mexico
Bach flower therapy is a system of natural medicine based on flower essences that act directly on the emotional state of the individual helping him to regain balance and internal harmony in a soft, natural, and permanent way.
Fritz Perls Training and Research Institute in Gestalt Psychotherapy
Diploma in personal development
- Monterrey, Mexico
Develop emotional skills that allow us to have a strong SELF, capable of living in harmony with our internal world, being satisfied with our external world and with those around us.
Centre for Advanced Studies in Homeopathy (Centro Superior de Estudios Homeopáticos)
Diploma in family constellations
- Guadalajara, Mexico
We invite you to the Diploma in Family Constellations with a duration of 11 months. The central idea of said Diploma is that people, in general, realize how their family dynamics have developed. And they can understand and therefore improve their quality of life, achieving their goals accurately. Another objective of the Diploma is to train people who can help other people or organizations to function effectively. Who is the Diploma in family constellations aimed at? The Diploma is aimed at: Graduates in Homeopathy, Doctors, Psychologists, Social Workers, Teachers, and people who are dedicated to health and/or interaction with human beings. What are family constellations? Family constellations are a fascinating therapy, through which we can heal countless problems in which we may be trapped and for which we cannot find a solution or the resources we have seen to be insufficient and there is a recurrence in the problem. It is in these cases where a family constellation can be practiced. What types of problems can it help? The constellation works for almost any type of problem and for practically any age. This helps us understand the why of things and problems, even beyond what cannot be seen with the naked eye. You can even constellate a business, a property, missing persons, or even those who are not present in the place. The only important thing is that the constellation is made by an expert in the field and with the help of the participants, and the authorization of the person to be constellated is necessary. Then a constellation could be applied in relationship problems, personal, abuse, abandonment, depression, self-sabotage, recurrent physical problems where the solutions seem not to help, premature or tragic deaths, addictions, adoptions, love disappointments, problems that were left unfinished, etc.
Centre for Advanced Studies in Homeopathy (Centro Superior de Estudios Homeopáticos)
- Guadalajara, Mexico
Diploma with a duration of one year, aimed at Homeopaths, Psychologists, Doctors, Social Workers, Sociologists. How to handle Positive Energy to help other people, correctly align those energies.
Centre for Advanced Studies in Homeopathy (Centro Superior de Estudios Homeopáticos)
- Guadalajara, Mexico
Diploma with a duration of 2 years, aimed at Homeopaths, Psychologists, Doctors, Social Workers, Sociologists. The Diploma is divided into four semesters, classes are on the second and third Saturday of each month, from 4 to 8 at night. In the four semesters the main approaches to Systemic Family Therapy are studied, the main authors including an Ericksonian Hypnosis Module.
Centre for Personal and Family Development Studies (Centro de Crecimiento Personal y Familiar, S.C. )
Diploma in Ericksonian Hypnosis and Brief Systemic
- Monterrey, Mexico
The contemporary therapeutic hypnosis is a resource that provides therapeutic change. Around the year 1950, Dr. Milton H. Erickson reinstated it as a recognized scientific tool in the field of health, and later to improve work and educational productivity. For several decades it was looked down upon by traditional approaches to psychotherapy, as it was misunderstood that hypnotic work could manipulate people out of their freedom and dignity. However, contemporary scientific hypnosis is based on the fact that every human being has the ability to grow, change and achieve their goals by generating self-healing processes through natural states of trance that develop several times a day. Therefore, Therapeutic Hypnosis what it does is facilitates those states of maximum mind-body communication where there are processes of rejuvenation, organization, and inner creativity. Learning to recognize, facilitate development, and use trance states to generate and strengthen these resources is Clinical Hypnosis. The objective of this training is didactic training in the therapeutic models and techniques initiated by Milton H. Erickson and its contemporary advances integrated into our systemic model in solutions. The program takes place in weekend modules on Saturday and Sunday, once a month. The Diploma is organized into three levels: Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced; It is up to the participant to decide what level to reach. To obtain the diploma, the academic and practical requirements that will be indicated during the program must be met. The courses taken can be accredited as part of the Masters and Doctorate degrees offered by the SC Personal and Family Growth Center and the Milton H. Erickson Institute of Monterrey.
Centre for Postgraduate Studies in Dentistry (Centro de Estudios de Posgrado en Odontología)
Dentistry for the baby
- Guadalajara, Mexico
program: DENTISTRY 1.- Basic structure of Dentistry for the baby. Background and history. 2- Protocol for the care of the pregnant patient. 3- Pediatric Vision of Dentistry for babies. 4- Baby psychology 5- The baby's mouth. 6.- Congenital or developmental dental needs. Radiological techniques in patients from 0 to 36 months ... 7.- Dental caries in early childhood patients - control and prevention. 8.- Use of fluoride in the baby. 9- Preventive and interoceptive protocols. 10.- Diseases of the mouth Diagnosis and treatment. This program has a classroom conversation with mothers of babies from 0 to 2 years old, this is done on the third day from 10:00 to 12:00 hrs. The laboratory work is carried out on the second day in the afternoon from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., and the necessary material is: The Bebe's clinic will be held on the second day in the morning from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., for which the assistant must wear a gown and sterile examination instruments. Sterile gauze pads, disposable gloves, and face masks should be available. X-rays will be used if necessary. On some occasions, the lowering piece with contra-angle and prophylaxis brushes is required.
Centre for Studies in Communication Sciences (Centro de Estudios en Ciencias de la Comunicación)
- Mexico City, Mexico
Today creativity makes a difference in all areas of communication, but especially in the world of advertising. Only original and different advertising manages to impact audiences and attract them to the products and services that are made known through all media.
Chihuahua Centre for Postgraduate Studies (Centro Chihuahuense de Estudios de Posgrado)
- Chihuahua, Mexico
It develops in the participant's skills to carry out interventions for the prevention of school violence.
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Diploma Degrees in Mexico
Mexico, officially the United Mexican States, is a federal constitutional republic in North America. Working may require a work visa, which is difficult to get if you want to freelance for a short time. Most of the government-funded universities in major cities (state capital) have short courses on history, gastronomy, and cultural subjects, and most of them are almost free.