3 Degrees in Data Science in New Zealand for 2024

Degrees in Data Science in New Zealand for 2024Filter
    • Dunedin, New Zealand

    Full time

    3 years



    Otago's unique Applied Science degrees link the excitement of science and the power of technology with the challenges of business. Applied Science programs help graduates to become innovative thinkers with an entrepreneurial spirit, the very attributes successful New Zealanders are well-known for. As a graduate you'll be in better control of your career, able to contribute to the success of any organisation. And if innovation attracts you, an Applied Science degree combined with work experience will provide the right background if you decide to start your own business.

  • Master of Data Science

    Victoria University of Wellington

    • Wellington, New Zealand

    Full time, Part time

    12 months

    Distance Learning, On-Campus


    Fifteen years ago, the role of data scientist was unheard of. Today, it’s an established role in business and government departments around the world. The nature of the role is constantly shifting as data sources, software tools, and techniques change. Equip yourself with the skills and knowledge to move and adapt to these changes. Our graduates leave with an advanced understanding of techniques in data science, including machine learning and statistical methods and their uses in the world of big data. You will be able to critically analyse data requirements and sources in a variety of areas of application from the sciences, humanities, and social sciences to business and government.

    • Dunedin, New Zealand

    Full time

    1 year



    With more and more data being captured, there is growing need for people with the skills to manage large data collections, and make use of them through a range of data analysis techniques. It has been said that “data is the raw material of the 21st century”.