1 Degrees in Data Science in Macau for 2024

Degrees in Data Science in Macau for 2024Filter
    • Macau, Macau



    With the advances in technology, there is an increasing trend in applying large-scale, high-output approaches and techniques in biology and medical research, to generate large data. Hence, a huge amount of data is constantly generated and stored in databases. There is a strong need to process the information and extract knowledge quickly from this rapidly growing collection of data, which defines the discipline of Data Science. There are seven specializations in this programme, and “Precision Medicine” is one of them. Students of this specialization learn and study how a large pool of data can be practically and effectively applied in Precision Medicine, which is an emerging approach for disease treatment and prevention that takes into account individual variability in genes, environment, and lifestyle for each person. Graduates are well equipped with a strong foundation for a career in interdisciplinary work in biomedical and big data analytics in the medical, pharmaceutical, and biotechnology sectors.