2 Degrees in Data Science in Egypt for 2024

Degrees in Data Science in Egypt for 2024Filter
  • Bachelor of Data Science

    Canadian International College

    • Cairo, Egypt

    English, Avestan

    Data Science at CIC enables you to graduate and work as a "Data Scientist" and student will acquire the skills of data processing and analysis by extracting the main ideas from the data. Data is an asset in business, and its accumulation over years is a wealth. If data is fully examined and analyzed, it will help any business to improve its market share. Students acquire advanced programming skills, statistics and mathematics, data wrangle, data intuition, advanced database management, machine learning, and data visualization. In this specialization, the student learns a range of topics and emerging techniques in the field of Information Technology and Data Science.

  • Data Science (BSc)

    AUC The American University in Cairo

    • Cairo, Egypt

    Full time

    1 year



    Establish a career as a data scientist who possesses the analytical tools necessary for extracting knowledge from data. Data science is a new interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary field experiencing rapid growth due to the availability of vast and complex real-world data. AUC’s data science program combines the fields of probability, statistics, mathematics, machine learning, databases, and modern programming languages such as R and Python. This multidisciplinary program provides students with tools for the generalizable extraction of knowledge from data.