3 Degrees in Data Analytics in Ireland for 2024

Degrees in Data Analytics in Ireland for 2024Filter
    • Limerick, Ireland

    Full time

    1 year



    The Higher Diploma in Data Analytics and Software Development course is a fulltime program for graduates of engineering or related technology disciplines, that will provide learners with fundamental theoretical and practical skills, abilities and knowledge to gain a comprehensive understanding of data analytics and software development closely aligned to current employer needs.

  • MSc Economics and Data Analytics

    University College Dublin

    • Dublin, Ireland

    Full time, Part time

    1 year



    The MSc in Economics and Data Analytics is a program designed for those who want to gain the in-demand skills needed in today's job market. This program, jointly offered by the UCD School of Economics and the UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics, combines knowledge of human behavior and decision-making from economics with the latest data analytics techniques, such as Data Programming, Machine Learning, and Bayesian Analysis.

    • Dublin, Ireland



    This course aims to produce technically competent, innovative graduates that will become leading practitioners in the field of data analytics. Upon completion, graduates will be able to: Conduct independent research and analysis in the field of data analytics. Demonstrate expert knowledge of data analysis and statistics, and the tools, techniques and technologies of data analytics utilised in both technical and business contexts.