4 Degrees in Criminology in Spain for 2024

Degrees in Criminology in Spain for 2024Filter
    • Madrid, Spain

    Full time

    4 years



    Criminology is one of the most vocational degrees in the Faculty of Law, Business and Government. This degree studies everything related to the offender, the victim and the crime. Its curriculum is based on two types of subjects: Criminology, with a more theoretical profile, where we will study things like sociology, criminal behavior and international cooperation against it, fundamentals of criminal policy, protection of victims... And, on the other hand, the Criminalistics subjects, much more attractive, dynamic and practical, such as anatomy, ballistics, dactyloscopy, robot portrait programs, etc... Although you will also take more humanistic training subjects with which you will train your critical spirit, your capacity for analysis and your dedication to service.

    • Barcelona, Spain


    Spanish, English

    This master's degree builds on the basic premise that appropriate, effective action in the area of criminality is inseparable from a rigorous social analysis of the causes and consequences of criminal behaviour. Therefore, the program offers a solid academic and curricular structure and a prestigious team of teaching staff with distinguished careers in their fields.

  • Official Master's Degree in Criminology: Crime and Victimology

    VIU - Universidad Internacional de Valencia

    • Valencia, Spain
    • Barcelona, Spain

    1 year

    Distance Learning


    Los nuevos fenómenos delincuenciales hacen que la criminología adquiera una mayor relevancia y que se plantee la necesidad de abordar el delito dando soluciones desde una perspectiva científica, profundizando en las causas, extensión, predicción, prevención, tratamiento y, a su vez, analizando las respuestas.

    • Barcelona, Spain

    1 year



    There is currently a growing educational need in the field of Legal, Forensic and Criminological Psychopathology among professionals who exercise their profession in areas related to Mental Health. As an individual starting off in professional practice, everyone who undertakes their work in the field of legal medicine or must intervene in the forensic field as specialists and deal with different psycho-pathological issues requires special theoretical and practical knowledge of this type of material.