43 Course Degrees in History in USA for 2024

Course Degrees in History in USA for 2024Filter
  • Department Award in Natural History

    Santa Barbara City College

    • Santa Barbara, USA

    Full time



    The Natural History Departmental Award recognizes achievement by students interested in careers in natural history interpretation, freshwater and marine fisheries, forestry, environmental monitoring, and wildlife management. The curriculum for the Natural History Departmental Award is individually designed with the student's career goals, interests, and talents in mind. The courses are selected in consultation with Faculty Adviser for Natural History. The Faculty Adviser will then submit this program of study to the Biological Sciences Department for review and approval.

  • History of Science, Technology, and Medicine (Minor)

    Binghamton University, State University of New York

    • Binghamton, USA

    Full time

    4 years



    The minor in the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine supplements the studies of students majoring in other fields with a coherent, thematic program in History. The minor introduces students to the history of science, technology, and medicine in a variety of time periods, geographic regions, and religious and cultural systems.

  • History

    University of Kansas

    • Lawrence, USA



    Studying history at the University of Kansas will expand your mind. Our course offerings introduce students to medieval witches and Samurai warriors, conspiracy cranks and Chairman Mao, Native American activists and the Black Panther Party. Students can take courses on the history of sexuality, or, if that isn’t exciting enough, courses on natural disasters, wars, and plagues. With 26 tenured and tenure-track faculty, the Department of History covers the globe.

  • Ancient Studies

    Mount Holyoke College

    • Online USA



    Does the prospect of courses in ancient art, literature, history, philosophy, and religion appeal to you? If so, then you should consider a major (or minor) in ancient studies, a program that approaches these ancient civilizations from an interdisciplinary and inclusive perspective. Currently, majors may choose from among three concentrations: art historical/archaeological, historical, or literary/mythological. With the help of an advisor, you can select courses from among a range of offerings in the departments of classics and Italian, art history, Asian studies, philosophy, politics, and religion.

  • History

    Bryn Mawr College

    • Bryn Mawr, USA



    History at Bryn Mawr is about questioning and explaining how the past has been constructed, understood, and made into what we call "history." Our courses challenge students to actively participate in interpreting and making history, rather than merely reading and reflecting about the past. A primary aim of the Department of History is to deepen students' sense of time as a factor in cultural diversity and change. Our program of study offers students the opportunity to experience the past through attention to long-range questions, comparative history, and complex causation.

  • History

    Dickinson College

    • Carlisle, USA



    The Department of History exemplifies Dickinson in the way it covers the world beyond our shores; students may study the regional histories of Africa, East Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East, or they may explore the diversity of American history. Further, our courses explore a wide variety of approaches that include the history of gender, empires, the environment, medicine, migration, religion, and diplomacy and war in national, comparative, and global contexts.

  • History Major

    St. Olaf College

    • Online USA



    St. Olaf’s history offerings are structured to help students achieve different learning goals at different levels. In Level-I seminars, students approach history as a way of learning through a focused analysis of primary sources in context. In Level-II courses, students explore historiography and the constructed nature of history in topical, regional and thematic contexts. Level-III seminars center research skills and challenge students to formulate their own questions about history, historiography, and historical methods.

  • History

    Pitzer College

    • Claremont, USA



    At Pitzer, history invites students to understand the contours of their world its political boundaries, its economic systems, its environmental conditions, its social structures and its cultural practices as historical products. It pushes them to question assumptions and to approach the present through the prism of a rich and variegated past. It uses investigation and interpretation, both to explore the unfamiliar and to reconsider what we think we already know. Thus, courses in history encourage students to analyze documents critically, to evaluate historical arguments thoughtfully and to examine theories of history and culture. Far from being a simple chronicle of facts, history demands that students consider how the past is used and remembered.

  • History

    Sonoma State University

    • 1801, USA



    Students will develop research, analytical, & communication skills which can be drawn upon in a variety of careers.The study of history involves the study of all human thought and action, ranging from the economic and the political to the psychological and the artistic. Combining the perspectives and methods of the social sciences and the humanities, it seeks to comprehend the problems and challenges faced by individuals and societies in the distant and recent past, nearby and far away.

  • History Major

    Pomona College

    • Claremont, USA



    Gain perspectives of time and place as you examine the complexities of our human history and experience. Grounded in a disciplined study of the past, you will be well-equipped to meet the demands of the 21st century. History majors and minors take courses on histories from around the world, as well as a field specialization in one region or theme. History students develop sharp reading, writing and research skills, preparing them for advanced graduate study or careers in education, public affairs, law, business and more.

  • History

    Macalester College

    • Saint Paul, USA



    Studying history develops critical thinking and teaches innovative ways of examining the past. It provides great preparation for careers in policy, government, business, teaching, law, medicine, and information and cultural resource management. In your courses you will gain skills and perspectives that will be invaluable in your professional career and will help you become an informed citizen of the world.

  • History

    University of Tulsa

    • Tulsa, USA



    Exposing you to a range of historical issues and problems, our programs promote an appreciation of the complexity of human affairs and their interpretation. From comprehensive study of historical materials to extensive research, our curriculum encourages a comparative approach to learning – focusing on ancient, modern, and non-Western history. In close-knit teams and under the guidance of our expert faculty, you will choose from an innovative list of specialized and thematic courses within a geographical area of your interest. Challenging your intellect and further developing critical thinking and imagination, our Williams A. Settle and the Bessie McAlpine Sullins awards are given out to TU’s outstanding history majors every year.

  • History

    New Jersey Institute of Technology

    • Newark, USA



    The study of History includes a broad study of world history and the diverse cultural history of the United States, as well as study in the history of science and technology, the history of medicine and health, and environmental, legal, and media history. Students learn to study evidence and weigh its value, argue clearly and persuasively in verbal and written form, and analyze the past in order to understand the present and prepare for the future.

  • History

    Kenyon College

    • Gambier, USA



    Students engage the past as a living, breathing reality that holds real meaning and the potential for clues to understanding contemporary life. Course offerings in history are deep and wide, covering U.S. history, early modern and modern European history, African and Asian history, and Latin American history. More than half of all history classes are taught in a small seminar format, and students join with their teachers as explorers of the past through research, theoretical considerations and integration of coursework.

  • History

    Wabash College

    • Crawfordsville, USA



    The Wabash College history major encourages historical imagination and curiosity, applying global and cultural examination methods to primary sources of the past. The Wabash history department is dedicated to promoting the study of history of diverse peoples, with emphasis on global and cultural historical methods. Students are encouraged not only to study historians, but to accumulate the skills to become historians. In this light, our history classes follow this series of goals: Content, The Craft of History, Historical Thinking, Self-Expression, and Self-Development.