Best Universities for Programs in Uruguay 2025
Francisco de Asís University Institute (Instituto Universitario Francisco de Asis (UNIFA))
Francisco de Asís University Institute (Instituto Universitario Francisco de Asis (UNIFA))
- Maldonado Department, Uruguay
The Francisco de Asís University Institute (UNIFA) is a non-profit foundation that has provided university-level services in the private sphere since 1988. Its operation and structure are designed in accordance with the requirements of Decree 308/995, which refers to the legal authority necessary to function as a university-level institution in Uruguay.
Catholic University Of Uruguay includes ISEDE and all schools
Catholic University Of Uruguay includes ISEDE and all schools
- Montevideo Department, Uruguay
Installed in Montevideo and in several cities in the interior, the Universidad Católica del Uruguay is the oldest private university in the country and the most widespread geographically. Initially founded in 1882 by the first Archbishop of Montevideo, Mons. Mariano Soler reopened and entrusted to the Society of Jesus in 1985, the Catholic University of Uruguay is the main work of the Catholic Church in the field of Uruguayan higher education. Her commitment to academic excellence, ideological pluralism, ecumenism, and interreligious dialogue, have made her one of the fundamental actors in the cultural life of the country.
- Montevideo Department, Uruguay
The purpose of the University Institute of the Christian Association of Young People is to develop teaching, research, and extension activities aimed at comprehensive training, the promotion of healthy lifestyles, the promotion of culture and training in the areas of Physical Education, sports, recreation, camps, tourism, volunteering and philanthropy, social management, socio-cultural animation and the like, structured in faculties, departments or equivalent academic units.
- Poblado Uruguay, Uruguay
In recent decades, enrollment in tertiary education in Uruguay has expanded dramatically, which is why there is an increasing need for higher education and research institutions capable of training a greater number of highly qualified people.
- Montevideo Department, Uruguay
The Business University (UDE) was recognized by the Government of the Republic under Decree No. 308/995 of 08/11/95 and is the fastest growing university of the four private universities. Our University has the support of the most important Business Chambers and Professional Associations in the country. Since its recognition in 1998, the Universidad de la Empresa has had a permanent and sustained growth in its enrollment, which amounts to 5,000 students.
- Montevideo Department, Uruguay
The CEDIIAP University Institute (Center for Teaching, Research, and Learning Information) was founded in 1995 by Prof. Em. Dra. María A. Rebollo and authorized as a University Institute, by the Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC), in a resolution dated March 22, 2001.