Programs in Guadeloupe (Fr.) 2025
Digital College
MS Webmarketing et Social Media
- Puteaux, France
- Nanterre, France + 18 more
Full time
2 years
Distance Learning, On-Campus
Digital College
Bachelor in Digital Marketing and Social Media
- Puteaux, France
- Nanterre, France + 18 more
Full time
3 years
Distance Learning, On-Campus
At the same time, you continue to enrich your technical skills in order to broaden your field of expertise as much as possible. The main themes of this training - digital marketing and social media - represent the central functions of the sector, around which the professions of tomorrow revolve every day, with digital supports and channels without which no brand can survive.
Ecole Supérieure Ouverte à Distance
E-Business Project Manager License
- France Online, France
- Belgium Online, Belgium + 13 more
Distance Learning
The E-business Project Manager training is accessible to holders of a bac+3 level diploma with an interest in real for digital.
ESMAC : École Supérieure des Métiers des Arts appliqués et de la Culture
Graphic Designer Title RNCP level II
- France Online, France
- Belgium Online, Belgium + 17 more
Part time
1 year
Distance Learning
The RNCP certification is issued by the National Commission for Professional Certification (CNCP), placed under the authority of the Ministry of Labour. Each training course registered with the RNCP responds to a clearly identified need among professionals and on the French labor market.
ESMAC : École Supérieure des Métiers des Arts appliqués et de la Culture
Bachelor Industrial Design
- France Online, France
- Belgium Online, Belgium + 17 more
Part time
3 years
Distance Learning
The PROFESSIONAL BACHELOR SDS® INDUSTRIAL DESIGN is a European diploma issued by INSHED. The training allows you to be professionally operational from the start of your career and to benefit from good employability, even beyond your country of origin.
Ecole Supérieure Ouverte à Distance
European Master in Management and Business Strategy
- France Online, France
- Belgium Online, Belgium + 13 more
Full time, Part time
2 years
Distance Learning
This MASTER prepares students for management and business strategy functions in the areas of: Human Resources – Management – Management – Marketing – Sales – “Business To Business” – International Environment, within medium or large organisations.
Ecole Supérieure Ouverte à Distance
European Master in Sustainable Development Management
- France Online, France
- Belgium Online, Belgium + 13 more
Full time, Part time
1 year
Distance Learning
The European Masters in Sustainable Development prepares you to become a real interface between the various actors of the company and its stakeholders (customers, suppliers, local residents, public bodies and associations...)...
ESMAC : École Supérieure des Métiers des Arts appliqués et de la Culture
Bachelor of Interior Design
- France Online, France
- Belgium Online, Belgium + 17 more
Part time
3 years
Distance Learning
The PROFESSIONAL BACHELOR SDS® INTERIOR DESIGN is a European diploma issued by INSHED. The training allows you to be professionally operational from the start of your career and to benefit from good employability, even beyond your country of origin.
Ecole Supérieure Ouverte à Distance
Diplôme Européen d’Etudes Supérieures Finances
- France Online, France
- Belgium Online, Belgium + 13 more
Full time
Distance Learning
Ecole Supérieure Ouverte à Distance
Diplôme Européen d’Etudes Supérieures gestion de PME
- France Online, France
- Belgium Online, Belgium + 13 more
Full time
Distance Learning
Ecole Supérieure Ouverte à Distance
Diplôme Européen d’Etudes Supérieurs en communication
- France Online, France
- Belgium Online, Belgium + 13 more
Full time
Distance Learning
Ecole Supérieure Ouverte à Distance
Diplôme Européen d’Etudes Supérieures gestion et management de la distribution
- France Online, France
- Belgium Online, Belgium + 13 more
Full time
Distance Learning
Ecole Supérieure Ouverte à Distance
Diplôme Européen d’Etudes Supérieures ressources humaines
- France Online, France
- Belgium Online, Belgium + 13 more
Full time
Distance Learning
Ecole Supérieure Ouverte à Distance
Diplôme Européen d’Etudes Supérieures assistant(e) de direction
- France Online, France
- Belgium Online, Belgium + 13 more
Full time
Distance Learning
Ecole Supérieure Ouverte à Distance
Diplôme Européen d’Etudes Supérieures techniques de l'environnement
- France Online, France
- Belgium Online, Belgium + 13 more
Full time
Distance Learning