Best Universities for Programs in Argentina 2025
- Pilar, Argentina
- Rosario, Argentina
This program is only available as a second part of the Dual Degree Program after students. is only available via our highly accredited University...
- Mendoza, Argentina
This program is only available as a second part of the Dual Degree Program after students. is only available via our highly accredited University...
- Bologna, Italy
- Cesena, Italy + 4 more
Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna operates on the principle that every individual carries within themselves a unique and unrepeatable potential. Active listening and dialogue guide the work of the University of Bologna, which promotes, in all its activities, inclusion, equity, and diversity.
VOS Spanish School & Intercultural Club In Buenos Aires and Barcelona
VOS Spanish School & Intercultural Club In Buenos Aires and Barcelona
- Buenos Aires, Argentina
Being in the field of education means being prepared for change, learning is constant movement. If we add to this essential feature the speed we experience in social change today, when we speak of teaching method we must begin by saying that everything is possible. We start with the obvious: language allows us to communicate. Therefore, the Learning of a second language must have communication as its main axis. We get our students to communicate in Spanish, our method has a clear stress on communication. In addition to this didactic purpose, we believe in the power of immersion in a community of Spanish speakers. When students are immersed in the language he wants to learn, everything they learn in class applies in different real life contexts all the time. This constant exposure communicates the need for strong motivation and, therefore, greatly increases their chances of learning. In VOS we take advantage of the educational power of this immersion into the language: no apparent realities, we use reality with all its strength, both in class and outside (in e-learning this is also possible: the Spanish immersion can be almost fully achieved through a social network). This knowledge acquisition continues in weekly workshops and cultural activities that make each day a cultural adventure with Spanish. In designing our educational syllabus and plan each Spanish class, We are very aware of the crucial fact that “learning was impacted by technology”. This changes the practice of teaching, the role of the student, what is knowledge and, essentially, what we do for people to learn.
- Buenos Aires, Argentina
implantesArgentina online, using the VisualRex platform, offers you one of the best experiences of Online Education in implantology and other related areas. The service is streaming on demand, which allows you to follow your courses on the devices you want, and when you want. Once the Online Course has been approved, you have the possibility and the advantage of participating in a One-week Intensive Practical Course (CPI), where you will apply everything you have learned, placing between 6 to 12 implants on patients. Online students, 10% Bonus on CPI and other benefits.
University of the East (Universidad del Este (UDE))
University of the East (Universidad del Este (UDE))
- La Plata, Argentina
The Universidad del Este was born in a new national, regional and world context, assuming the moment in history that it has to travel with responsibility and the firm commitment to interpret, participate and contribute to this context. The quality in our University is sustained in the permanent search for the level of excellence, preserving the institutional identity, the relevance of the processes and the continuous internal and external evaluation, based on the necessary understanding of the environment where it is inserted. A scientific and research environment, a space for educational services and continuous training. Our University is committed to the quality of teaching, excellence in research, and support for merit, ability, and equality. Facilitating and promoting access to high quality informational materials for reading, consultation and study and the permanent orientation, guidance and constant support of specialist tutors focused on counseling. We aspire to form upright, capable and critical citizens, with a broad and multidisciplinary vision and who assume the responsibility of contributing to a more just and supportive world. I am pleased to welcome you to this vehicle of information and communication in which you will be able to initiate a knowledge and a relationship that we wish fruitful and intense.
- San Martín, Argentina
UNSAM is a national, public, and free university created in 1992. It offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduates careers, both in the field of Human and Social Sciences and in the Exact and Natural Sciences. More than 65% of its resources are destined to the areas of science and technology. With the focus on joint work policies, it maintains relationships with agencies that promote scientific research and technology transfer. Its alliances with the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET), the National Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA), the National Institute of Industrial Technology (INTI), and the National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA), among others, improve its theoretical production, the development of their research and the training of human resources. Among his achievements, they include the cloning of a bitransgenic bovine for the production of milk similar to the human one and the restoration of the mural Plastic Exercise, by David Alfaro Siqueiros. UNSAM also has its own publishing house (exceeding 100 published titles) and to date, it has signed more than 250 agreements with foreign universities for the exchange of students, teachers, and researchers. Its headquarters are in the General San Martín district, northwest of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. Built on an old railway beach of more than two hectares, the Miguelete Campus constitutes one of the main attractions of the Buenos Aires territory in terms of architectural planning and heritage conservation.
Universidad Nacional De Salta / National University Of Salta
Universidad Nacional De Salta / National University Of Salta
- Salta Province, Argentina
The National University of Salta is an institution of public law, autonomous and autarkic, whose aims are the promotion, dissemination, and preservation of culture. It fulfills this purpose in permanent contact with universal thought and pays particular attention to the problems of the region and the country. The University contributes to the development of culture through humanistic studies, scientific and technological research, and artistic creation. Spread ideas and artistic achievements through teaching and the various means of communication of knowledge. The University's mission is the generation and transmission of knowledge, science and its applications, and the arts. Its main purpose is education from an ethical perspective. The University seeks the integral and harmonious formation of the members of the university community, teachers, students, graduates, and university support personnel, and instills in them the spirit of moral rectitude and ethical and civic responsibility. It trains researchers, teachers, and suitable professionals. It maintains permanent links with its graduates through a continuous training process aimed at updating and improving them, promoting teaching, research, and professional practice committed to the problems of the country and the region. In its capacity as a state entity, it collaborates with the identification and solution of national and regional problems, in accordance with the specific norms that regulate its functions, presents its conclusions, provides technical advice and participates in common activities with state and private institutions through agreements. cooperation. The University is devoid of ideological, political, and religious matters, understanding social, political, and ideological problems, studying them scientifically. It is alien to any sectoral interest or dogmatic conception. It promotes a critical attitude, ensuring within it the widest freedom of expression. The University, in addition to its specific task as a study and research center, seeks to spread the benefits of its cultural and social action by interacting with the environment.
- Bernal, Argentina
The National University of Quilmes (UNQ for its initials in Spanish) was founded in 1989. It is located at the heart of the Southern Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area, in Bernal City, Quilmes. Three million people live in this region, which centralizes 20% of the country’s industrial establishments. Nowadays, the UNQ has over eleven thousand students, distributed among its graduate courses and postgraduate courses of study. The University’s mission is the production, teaching, and transmission of knowledge of the highest quality, in an environment of equality and diversity. The UNQ’s essential functions are teaching, research, extension courses, human resources formation, technological development, product innovation, and culture promotion.
- Lomas de Zamora, Argentina
The teaching of this University is recognized in different fields. Through tools for evaluating material and human resources, we maintain standards of excellence in our careers, while promoting the updating and critical review of content.
- José C. Paz, Argentina
Located in the city of José C. Paz, the National University of José Clemente Paz (UNPAZ) was created in 2009 by Law No. 26,577. UNPAZ recognizes higher education as a fundamental social right for the economic, social and cultural development of the region and for the strengthening of the rule of law and the democratic values of the people. In this sense, its mission is teaching in higher education as well as the production and dissemination of knowledge that contributes to the development of the region, putting itself at the service of the consolidation of social equity and development. His vision is to promote equity, inclusion and the expansion of opportunities that higher education offers to the local community. The values that inspire it are based on solidarity as a path in the task of forming men and women of integrity who, as people and citizens, are bearers of the highest ideals that humanism raises and are capable of putting their knowledge at the service of society. democracy and the growth of humanity. The objective of this house of studies is to guarantee free undergraduate education and access to the public, free and free university, ensuring equal opportunities and possibilities, developing a plural openness without any discrimination towards all sectors of society . The access of any citizen to the public university constitutes an acquired right. Higher education should not only be a public and social good, but a universal human right and a responsibility of the State.
- Los Polvorines, Argentina
The National University of General Sarmiento (UNGS) was created on May 20, 1992, by National Law No. 24,082 and founded in 1993 when the Organizing Rector Roberto Nöel Domecq and the Advisory Commission were appointed. The UNGS owes its name to the then-party of General Sarmiento, which later in 1994 was divided into three municipalities: San Miguel, José C. Paz, and Malvinas Argentinas. Since its foundation, the University has adopted as a principle the link between training, critical investigation of the problems that affect society, and the search for alternative actions to overcome them. The UNGS is organized into four interdisciplinary research and teaching Institutes that seek to respond to current problems related to industry, science, the city, and knowledge. They are the Institute of Sciences, the Institute of the Conurbano, the Institute of Industry, and the Institute of Human Development. The central aspect of its activity is to contribute to the democratization of teaching, access to knowledge by all sectors of society, and the search for academic excellence, assuming a pedagogical strategy focused on ensuring a solid basic and specific training in the students. Within this framework, the University offers free undergraduate degrees, nationally valid degrees, study scholarships, academic scholarships for training in teaching, research, management, and community services, personalized tutorial support, a modern and efficient library public, and free access and quality academic space. Its university campus is located at Juan María Gutiérrez 1150, city of Los Polvorines, Malvinas Argentinas, northwest of Greater Buenos Aires.
- Avenida Doctor Luis Gutniski, Argentina
University life in Formosa appears with the creation of the National University of the Northeast, (UNNE -on December 14, 1956, by Decree-Law No. 22,229), as a university center for the entire region that included the provinces of Chaco, Corrientes, Misiones, and Formosa. In reality, university activity would only begin in Formosa with an agreement signed between the Government of the Province and the National University of the Northeast. Later, on March 26, 1971, an Agreement was signed by which the Formosa University Institute was created, which began its activity on April 21, 1971. the old structure according to Rectorate Resolution No. 0375 of March 14, 1974, based on the aforementioned Ministerial Resolution. By Resolution of the Rectorate No. 2082 of September 1976, the operation of the existing academic units (University Institute, Faculty of Agricultural Education Sciences, and Faculty of Renewable Natural Resources) is unified in the Faculty of Renewable Natural Resources, in which It would dictate in a stable manner, the Forest Engineering career, implementing various full-term careers according to emerging needs. Other university activities were aimed at agents who were already working in these areas. Such was the case of the career of Public Administration Technician or Banking Technician. The term dictation of the Professors whose registration was carried out in the period between 1970 and 1974 was due to the need to meet specific demands for people who were inactivity, although registration for these careers was open to other applicants. In 1984, the Teaching Staff began to function, among the careers established by the Agreement. In 1986, the Teaching Staff in Differentiated Education and the Teaching Staff in Biology began as stable careers, which continue to the present.
Universidad Nacional De Córdoba - National University of Córdoba
Universidad Nacional De Córdoba - National University of Córdoba
- Córdoba, Argentina
The National University of Córdoba (UNC) has a student population of approximately 136 thousand students. Physically, it occupies an area of 11.5 million square meters, of which 1.37 million are in the city of Córdoba and the rest in the interior of the province of Córdoba. Its own covered area exceeds 380 thousand square meters. Distributed between Ciudad Universitaria and the historic center of Córdoba, the UNC –also known as Casa de Trejo– has fifteen faculties; two secondary schools; 145 research centers and institutes; twenty-five libraries; seventeen museums; a blood products laboratory; two hospitals; a blood bank; two astronomical observatories; a nature reserve, and a multimedia communication system made up of two television channels, two radios (AM and FM) and a news portal.
- Buenos Aires, Argentina
The UNdeC is an institution of higher education, public and free, responsible and committed to quality, relevance, and belonging to the Chilean society, the province, and the region; vigorous, creative, and constantly growing. Although national universities must respond to operating logics and quality parameters that are equanimous in the competence of all members of the National University System, they also have a geopolitical commitment. The decision to install a university is based on the conviction to strengthen the development of this region.