2 Degrees in Cognitive Science in Spain for 2024

Degrees in Cognitive Science in Spain for 2024Filter
    • Barcelona, Spain

    Full time

    1 year



    Cognitive Science and Language is an inter-university, interdisciplinary postgraduate program combining master's degree and doctoral levels that responds to the need to overcome the academic barriers between the different areas of cognitive science. The program places a particular focus on speech perception and language acquisition, the syntactic and semantic processing involved in speech, the relationship between semantics and cognition, the logical structure of language and the epistemic and conceptual foundations of language study, computational analysis of language, and the relationship between the different areas of cognitive science.

    • Barcelona, Spain

    2 semesters



    The master's course is designed to train researchers to an internationally competitive level in behavioural sciences, specifically in the areas of personality and behaviour, cognition and plasticity, primatology and in research methodology in behavioural sciences. This program has obtained a quality award from the Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency (AQU).