3 Degrees in Cognitive Science in Netherlands for 2024

Degrees in Cognitive Science in Netherlands for 2024Filter
    • Groningen, Netherlands

    Full time

    24 months



    The Master’s degree Program in Computational Cognitive Science (CCS) focuses on cognitive science and neuroscience and their applications. CCS gives you insights into human cognition, language, and the brain and teaches you to use this knowledge in applied settings, such as human-computer interaction and computerized learning tools. By leveraging knowledge of human cognition, for example, you can optimize how an artificial intelligence system communicates with human users and develop virtual reality applications for education or simulation models of human task performance.

  • MA Arts, Cognition and Criticism

    University of Groningen

    • Groningen, Netherlands

    Full time

    12 months



    Culture can be understood as a complex cognitive process through which humans articulate and negotiate their individual and collective consciousness, identities, values and understanding of the world. The arts have always played an important part in this process.

    • Maastricht, Netherlands

    Full time

    1 year



    How does our brain separate the sound of a Ferrari from the background noise of other car engines or the face of a friend from other faces in a crowd? How do different parts of the brain interact when we perform everyday activities like riding a bicycle, typing a summary and drinking a cup of coffee? And how are fMRI signals related to neural activity? If these questions intrigue you, the Cognitive Neuroscience specialisation of the master's in Psychology might be a good fit for you. You'll gain in-depth knowledge of human brain function and cognition, and you'll get practical training in the application of non-invasive brain imaging techniques such as EEG and fMRI. Upon graduation, you'll be an expert in cognitive psychology as well as in neuroscientific methods, leaving you well-equipped for a career in applied and clinical research at universities, research institutes, educational institutes or commercial research organisations.