4 Degrees in Cognitive Science in Canada for 2024

Degrees in Cognitive Science in Canada for 2024Filter
  • Bachelor of Cognitive Science

    Carleton University Undergraduate

    • Ottawa, Canada

    Full time

    4 years



    Cognitive science involves the study of cognition, perception, and emotion from a wide range of perspectives. Despite the many different methodologies they use, cognitive scientists are united in their interest in the mind—and the brain.

    • 62, Canada



    Cognitive Science is the scientific study of the mind and its processes. It seeks to understand how the mind works through interdisciplinary studies in psychology, computer science, and philosophy. Cognitive Science investigates how information is represented, processed, and transformed in both humans and machines. The Cognitive Science program at Mount Allison is one-of-a-kind in Atlantic Canada — incorporating perspectives from a variety of fields.

  • Bachelor of Arts in Cognitive Science

    York University - School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design

    • Toronto, Canada



    Cognitive science is the scientific study of the mind and its processes. What is especially exciting about cognitive science is its interdisciplinary cooperation involving psychologists, philosophers, computer scientists, neuroscientists and others.

  • Cognitive Science

    Queen's University

    • Kingston, Canada



    Drawing from principles of psychology, philosophy, linguistics, neuroscience, and computing, this program explores the science of the mind and thought. Cognitive scientists are probing the concept of intelligence in humans and animals in order to program intelligent computers that are not only capable of performing complex tasks, but of thinking complex thoughts.