7 Certificate Degrees in Anthropology 2024

Certificate Degrees in Anthropology 2024Filter
    • Pearl City, USA



    The Certificate in Applied Forensic Anthropology (CAFA) is a joint program offered by Leeward Community College and University of Hawai‘i–West O‘ahu (UH–WO). The Certificate is awarded by UH–WO upon the completion of all requirements.

    • 5500, USA


    Physical Anthropology this course is the study of human biology within the framework of evolution, with an emphasis on the interaction between biology and culture. The course introduces students to the principles of evolution and natural selection

    • 5500, USA


    Introduction to Physical Anthropology Honors is the study of human biology within the framework of evolution, with an emphasis on the interaction between biology and culture. The course introduces students to the principles of evolution and natural selection, the fossil evidence of human evolution, primate behavior, and the biological basis of human variation.

    • 5331, Canada



    This course examines various forms of visual documentation found in ethnographic films, videos, photographs and art forms. You will also explore methods of writing, directing and producing ethnographic films. Topics include problems of selectivity, ideological bias, effect of the producer's presence and the reconstruction of events

    • 5331, Canada



    This course aims to cross-culturally explore some of the ideas surrounding the concept of religion. Definitions of religion, and other related concepts such as ritual, are explored in light of early and contemporary anthropological theory. The course examines broader theoretical issues within the context of living world religions, and a range of ethnographic material from various parts of the world. Anthropological approaches to theories of religion and belief, specifically religious thought, practice and ,spirituality. Students would have acquired a good sense of the ideological similarities and differences between people from different societies and cultures.

    • 1, USA


    The department combines a humanistic concern for the quality and diversity of human life with a commitment to the empirical analysis of culture and society.

    • Perugia, Italy



    This course will address food-related issues from an anthropological perspective. It will examine the role that food plays in shaping: group and personal identities; ethnic affiliations in a global world; religious boundaries through rituals, taboos, and avoidances; and revitalization of local and global communities. Through readings assignments and ethnographic research in the city of Perugia, students will explore how food traditions and local food are maintained and transformed over time and space, and how culinary knowledge is used to mark cultural belonging and differences. The course will focus on food as cultural heritage through an analysis of culinary tourism, food in urban settings, the culture of restaurants, and UNESCO protection of endangered diets. Furthermore, it will apply gendered perspectives on the body and analyze power dynamics in Italian families through food consumption and preparation. Students will study food as a site of cultural transmission but also of dissent and resistance. The course incorporates a semester-long ethnographic project on restaurants and street-food vendors in Umbria. Through these exercises in qualitative research, students will become engaged in original research in and out of the classroom.