2 Degrees in Business Studies in Espoo, Finland for 2024

Degrees in Business Studies in Espoo, Finland for 2024Filter
    • Lahti, Finland
    • Madrid, Spain
    • + 6 more

    Full time

    24 months



    The raw materials sector is entering a new era that requires companies to transform their operations, create new business models, and foster a digital culture. In this context, the minerals industry is facing a changing talent landscape, necessitating of new skill sets in their workforce. Companies need to ensure that their staff is properly constituted to support this transformation process. In the raw materials sector, technology is not an end in itself. The greatest impact will come from embedding different new technologies as an integrated whole and all across the mining value chain. Each opportunity is significant in itself, but achieving the full potential of all opportunities is possible only if they are pursued in an integrated way. The key to doing this is to have cross-functional teams that understand both mining operations and the technologies and are able to integrate new technologies into operations. Companies must be able to get the right people with the necessary skill set to maximize value creation. Miners must prepare their workforce today to meet the demands of tomorrow’s digital age or risk future growth and innovation. Over time, mining work will evolve toward knowledge-based jobs that solve the same challenges as today but do so through different means, and at the same time, face new challenges. The mining companies that recognize this shift today and best navigate the changes ahead will be the winners of tomorrow.

    • Espoo, Finland
    • Dublin, Ireland
    • + 2 more

    Full time

    2 years



    The Master’s in Zero Defect Manufacture for a Circular Economy is an internationally recognized double degree program backed by EIT and EIT Manufacturing. This program blends a comprehensive understanding of manufacturing science, encompassing equipment physics, and processes, with a focus on data analysis, including the application of acquired process data for ensuring process quality.