2 Degrees in Bioscience in Spain for 2024

Degrees in Bioscience in Spain for 2024Filter
    • Barcelona, Spain



    Microbiology is common and essential in all areas related to biotechnology, biomedical sciences and environmental sciences, since microorganisms play a main role in the transformation of organic material, in geochemical changes and in human and animal infectious diseases. Furthermore, microorganisms are found everywhere: from geothermal vents in the ocean depths, to the coldest arctic ice, to every person’s skin. This makes undeniable the importance of microbiology in quality control and production of food, industry, environmental and health.

    • Barcelona, Spain

    Full time



    The reductionist method of tackling a complex problem by isolating its components has lost strength and has led to a more holistic approach in which different disciplines are combined: The interactions between the components of a complex system (an organism, a city or the Internet) require a new treatment with new tools. Thus, if we consider the case of the brain, we see how this is not just a collection of interacting neurons, but a neural network that generates many emerging phenomena (memory, thought) at the frontier of physics and biology, biophysics.