1 BBA Degrees in Early Childhood Education 2024

BBA Degrees in Early Childhood Education 2024Filter
  • Licenciature in preschool education

    Benemérita and Centenary Teacher Training School of the State of Durango (Benemérita y Centenaria Escuela Normal del Estado de Durango)

    • Durango, Mexico



    Generic Competences. You solve problems and make decisions using your critical and creative thinking. He learns autonomously and shows initiative to self-regulate and strengthen his personal development. Collaborate with various actors to generate innovative projects of social and educational impact. Use information and communication technologies critically. Apply your language and communication skills in various contexts. Professional Competences. It detects the learning processes of its students to favor their cognitive and socio-emotional development. Applies the plan and study programs to achieve educational purposes and contribute to the full development of the capabilities of their students. He designs planning by applying his curricular, psycho-pedagogical, disciplinary, didactic, and technological knowledge to promote inclusive learning spaces that respond to the needs of all students within the framework of the study plan and programs. He uses evaluation to intervene in the different areas and moments of the educational task to improve the learning of his students. He integrates educational research resources to enrich his professional practice, expressing his interest in knowledge, science, and the improvement of education. Act in an ethical manner in the face of the diversity of situations that arise in professional practice. Collaborates with the school community, parents, authorities, and teachers, in decision-making and in the development of alternative solutions to socio-educational problems.