1 BBA Degrees in Commerce 2024

BBA Degrees in Commerce 2024Filter
    • Dubai, United Arab Emirates

    Full time

    8 semesters



    The College of Business Administration provides an up-to-date program in E-Commerce and Marketing with managerial and technological knowledge that allows students to participate and utilize the electronic media as a marketplace. E-Commerce or Electronic Commerce is a computer-based science using digital systems for economic and business purposes. This form of marketing has largely expanded during the last three decades. Looking for employment immediately after your education? A logical solution is an undergraduate degree in E-Commerce and Marketing at the AUE. The 'global village' concept has brought all industries to operate on a common platform. Virtual contact is no longer a stand-alone issue; rather, it is the most effective solution to the new millennium's industrial needs. The volume of trade, availability of goods, transfer of finance, information sharing, and supplying the items to the market is an ardent exercise of intelligence; and it remains only a click away. An inquisitive person, who has the potential and confidence of appropriate communication, persuasive ability and is willing to perform better, should study this specialization. The course programs develop students to be multi-track thinkers, to sustain pressure, utilize the opportunities and appreciate the technological advancements of this era.