2 Bachelor Degrees in Information Technology in Cyprus for 2024

Bachelor Degrees in Information Technology in Cyprus for 2024Filter
    • Nicosia, Cyprus

    Full time

    4 years



    The primary aim of our BSc programme in Computing and Information Technology is firstly to educate students to analyze, design, integrate, and manage information systems using information technology, and secondly to prepare students for a successful career as I.T. professionals who make a positive contribution to society. We do so in full cognizance of Philips University’s aims to develop students who value honesty, civility, and the dignity of work. At the same time, we hope to give students an enjoyable learning experience, enhanced by an innovative pedagogical approach.

    • Famagusta, Cyprus

    Full time

    4 years



    Information system engineering (ISE) is the use of any computers, storage, networking, and other physical devices, infrastructure, and processes to create, process, store, secure, and exchange all forms of electronic data. Typically, ISE is used in the context of business operations, as opposed to the technology used for personal or entertainment purposes. The commercial use of ISE encompasses both computer technology and telecommunications. As the ISE industry evolved from the mid-20th century, computing capability increased, while device cost and energy consumption decreased, a cycle that continues today when new technologies emerge.