1 Bachelor Degrees in Fashion Design in Argentina for 2024

Bachelor Degrees in Fashion Design in Argentina for 2024Filter
  • Clothing Design

    ABM Instituto

    • 1601, Argentina



    The Clothing Design career is a Three-year Higher Technique with a face-to-face modality. The graduate of the Higher Technique in Clothing Design will be qualified to work as designers and as fashion producers in parades, aesthetic samples, or any event related to fashion; and also in technical areas: making molds, making garments, geometric shapes, and working with technical sheets of various formats as specialized craftsmen. The Clothing Design career aims to optimize the dictation sequences of the various thematic axes from the study of cultural, functional, technological, expressive, ergonomic, ecological, economic, and commercial aspects that satisfy the needs of clothing and the clothing industry. clothing, that contributes to the integral progress of society.