3 Bachelor Degrees in Design Studies in Singapore for 2024

Bachelor Degrees in Design Studies in Singapore for 2024Filter
    • 15-22, Singapore



    Our Interior Architecture & Design course is equipped with modules that refine skills with 2D and 3D techniques, developing professional skills in Interior Architecture Design. At Raffles, Interior Architecture & Design course modules and college activities are not limited within the walls. Field trips and exhibition visits are also organized for students to explore successful Interior Design works and modern architecture.

    • 15-22, Singapore



    Our Product Design course will build both your technical and theory skills to execute Product and Industrial Design. The Advanced Diploma course will equip students with the fundamentals of materials, designing and building techniques.

    • 15-22, Singapore



    Our Graphic Design course (Visual Communication) is about creating stunning images and artworks that deliver powerful messages. At Raffles, our coursework will equip students as they develop their skills in creating magazine layouts, book covers, promo ads and other commercial art forms that can be crafted with Graphic Design.