9 Bachelor Degrees in Design Studies in Colombia for 2024

Bachelor Degrees in Design Studies in Colombia for 2024Filter
  • Industrial Design

    Catholic University of Pereira (Universidad Católica de Pereira UCP)

    • Risaralda, Caldas, Colombia



    In the Industrial Design program at the Catholic University of Pereira, the relationship between human beings, products, services, systems, and experiences is studied, recognizing problems and opportunities in their context, through project thinking processes. from the design that proposes solutions such as innovative, sustainable, and viable strategies, with social impact to improve the quality of life and business development.


    School of Administration and Marketing of Quindio (Escuela de Administración y Mercadotecnía del Quindio (EAM))

    • Armenia, Colombia



    The student of the Digital Visual Design Program at the EAM University Institution develops the ability to have an exact understanding of their environment through still or moving images through a digital world in which the world is entering more and more to include a whole population that is more susceptible to the visual. The Visual Digital Design program covers all activities and disciplines that are characterized by being integral in the construction and design of digital content in 2D and 3D for cinema, TV. Videogames and mobile applications thus having covered a wide field in the design and digital content for this new orange era.

    • Bogotá, Colombia


    Objective: To train professionals with the knowledge and theoretical-practical that permits them to perform effectively in the industrial sector, in the design and development of machines, systems, devices, and industrial products, attending to the modern techniques of Design engineering.

  • Graphic Design

    María Goretti University Institute - Centre of Higher Studies (Institución Universitaria Centro de Estudios Superiores María Goretti (CESMAG))

    • Pasto, Colombia



    The Graphic Design program aims for the training of competent professionals to offer solutions focused on the human being, through projection and creativity with ethical, aesthetic, and communicational criteria, in order to generate business attitudes with socio-environmental responsibility. It pursues academic excellence by generating spaces for criticism, reflection, and dialogue through a constantly evolving curriculum.

  • Bachelor in Visual design

    Higher College of Cauca

    • Popayán, Colombia



    The Visual Design program at the Colegio Mayor del Cauca University Institution addresses the various disciplines that enable the student to be successful in interpreting information and reading contexts. In the project area, from the graphics, the moving image, and the new media, the field of study allows deploying the production, development, and management of Editorial or Multimedia proposals or projects, with a strong technological component that confers sufficient versatility in the performance of the activities of contemporary visual design.

  • Industrial Design

    San Jose Foundation for Higher Education (Fundación de Educación Superior San José (FESSANJOSÉ))

    • Cundinamarca, Colombia



    The Superior San José Foundation chooses as teachers, quality professionals graduated from the best universities, to provide them with a quality education, which allows its students and graduates to face the challenges of design and production of objects, in the national environment. Our teachers promote research, working on formative research and research culture activities from their training areas. They educate the student to make him competent and capable of solving and making correct decisions in conjunctural moments. What Makes Us Different? Participating and presenting the projects developed during the semester at the Admira Design Show, allows us to prepare ourselves to argue, in the future, our projects in competitions, companies, or in front of any type of public. We have achieved national and international recognition in RedColsi, having the participation of our research hotbeds. We respect and know the rules that govern the sector of industrial production of objects and we enjoy the prestige for the good performance that our students have, during internships, in different companies, currently in JGV, Nestle, among others. which require not only the production of objects but also the management of software for graphic representation and preparation of project presentations.

  • Design Of Spaces

    San Jose Foundation for Higher Education (Fundación de Educación Superior San José (FESSANJOSÉ))

    • Cundinamarca, Colombia



    The Superior San José Foundation, chooses as teachers, quality professionals, graduates of the best universities, to provide them with a quality education, which allows their students and graduates to face the challenges of design and production in the national environment. It educates him to make him competent and capable of solving, of making the most correct decisions in conjunctural moments. What Makes Us Different? Participating and presenting the projects developed during the semester at the Admira Design Show , allows us to prepare ourselves to argue, in the future, our projects in competitions, in companies or before any type of public. We respect and know the regulations that govern the construction and development sector of the city. We enjoy prestige for the good performance our students have, during internships, in different companies, both in the production of elements and materials used in construction and in companies that require management of graphic representation software and preparation of project presentations. architectural.


    Comfenalco Santander University Foundation (Fundación Universitaria Comfenalco Santander UNC)

    • Comuna 12 Cabecera del llano, Colombia



    The growing business and commercial development of the Department together with the opportunities for the creation of free zones, the signing of new free trade agreements FTA, the strong foreign investment in the region, and the rise of the advertising medium together with the local media and The implementation of Information Technologies and ICT Communication in educational and organizational settings as a necessity, promote the field of labor action for the program: Technology in Visual Communication Design.

  • Graphic Design

    Departmental Institute of Fine Arts (Instituto Departamental de Bellas Artes (BELLAS ARTES-CALI))

    • Cali, Colombia



    To train integral professionals of Graphic Design, based on the field of visual communication, in the different modalities of graphic expression and in information technologies, capable of contributing from their discipline to the solution of problems in their environments, through the development of graphic media that communicate a local, national and global vision that reflects the character of current thinking. The Graphic Designer of BELLAS ARTES is a comprehensive professional, trained in being, doing, knowing and living in a community, to which he contributes his knowledge to provide a solution, in the graphic and visual order, to present or future problems with an autonomous, critical and purposeful vision; a citizen aware of the problems of his context, committed to sustainable development, the defense of Human Rights and peace.