4 Associate Degree Degrees in Pharmacy 2024

Associate Degree Degrees in Pharmacy 2024Filter
    • Hesston, USA

    Full time

    2 years



    Pharmacy is a career field that requires degrees beyond a four-year undergraduate degree. The pre-pharmacy major is comprised of the basic courses required for an undergraduate degree in pursuit of more advanced degrees.

  • Associate Degree , Pharmacy

    Burnett International College

    • West Palm Beach, USA



    The Pharmacy Management program, at Burnett International College, is designed to prepare students for employment as a senior or lead pharmacy technician or coordinator, pharmacy manager, or pharmacy technician supervisor/trainee in hospitals, nursing care facilities, private or public retail drug stores, drug manufacturing facilities, and wholesale drug houses. Students are taught how to identify and understand drug nomenclature, dosage forms, routes of administration, and abbreviations used in pharmacy. Additionally, students are taught how to identify medications by their trade and generic names, as well as understanding basic pharmacology. Graduates of the program will be well equipped with the necessary critical thinking,knowledge, and communication skills to enter into the health care industry and succeed in this field. This program offers a sequence of courses that include, but are not limited to, medical terminology, pharmaceutical compounding, sterile techniques, IV preparation, preparing purchase orders, receiving and checking supplies purchased, printing labels, typing prescription labels, delivering medications, control records, data processing, computer application, human relation skills, and health and safety.

  • Pharmacy Technology Degree

    Santa Barbara Business College

    • Santa Maria, USA
    • Palm Desert, USA
    • + 1 more


    Learn how to support a licensed pharmacist and assist them with patient consultations with Santa Barbara Business College's Pharmacy Technology degree program. General duties of a pharmacy technician include dispensing medications, assembling daily supplies of medication, stocking and inventorying prescriptive and over-the-counter medications, preparing commercially unavailable medications, maintaining patient medical records, repackaging medications, and delivering medications.

  • Pharmacy Technician Associate’s Degree

    American National University

    • USA Online, USA
    • Roanoke, USA

    Full time

    80 weeks

    Distance Learning, On-Campus


    If you’re looking for a pharmacy technician school that’s a perfect fit for you, this associate’s degree is designed to provide you with knowledge, laboratory skills, and field experience so that you can assist pharmacists in providing medication and other healthcare products to patients.