1 Degrees in Art History in Mexico for 2024

Degrees in Art History in Mexico for 2024Filter
  • Bachelor of Art History

    Casa Lamm Cultural Centre (Centro de Cultura Casa Lamm)

    • Mexico City, Mexico



    General objectives of the curriculum: To train highly qualified Art Historians with the knowledge, skills, and abilities that allow them to participate as researchers and art critics, capable of appreciating and disseminating the cultural heritage of humanity, projecting the artistic being and doing of Mexico. Profile of the graduate: The Graduate in History of Art is a person capable of investigating, analyzing, and comparing the various currents and schools of art and understanding it as a universal value highlighting and projecting the artistic endeavor of Mexico to the entire nation and abroad. His training enables him to: Have sufficient elements of aesthetic judgment to analyze and value any artistic manifestation, be it plastic, architectural, cinematographic, and scenic, thus collaborating with the rescue and preservation of our cultural heritage. To interpret in an analytical-synthetic way the history of both national and universal art, as well as the history of art criticism, essential elements in his training as an art critic. Disseminate art orally or in writing in the different mass communication media in order to publicize the cultural heritage of Mexico, thus collaborating in the formation of national identity, both within our borders and outside them. Manage art as a cultural heritage of society, carrying out and supervising artistic and cultural projects that allow it to access the economic market of this.