2 Degrees in Art Conservation in Peru for 2024

Degrees in Art Conservation in Peru for 2024Filter
  • Master of Science in Conservation and Management of Built Heritage

    National University of Engineering - Universidad Nacional De Ingeniería

    • Rimac, Peru



    The invaluable and varied built heritage of Peru, which is more than 14,000 years old, developed in different geographical contexts, with diverse materials, techniques, and construction systems, is in latent danger of being lost, both due to the fact that our country is highly seismic and with a long history of natural disasters, such as because in the last 50 years, it has been affected by economic, social and political conditions, which has obvious repercussions on its conservation. Historic areas and centers nationwide, containers of urban environments, and monuments are potential work areas. It is necessary and possible to manage projects to enable private and public investments, aimed at recovering the quality of life of its population and the conservation of its built heritage.


    UTEC - Universidad de Ingeniería & Tecnología

    • Lima, Peru



    objective To train a new generation of professionals trained to face the urgent needs of our vast cultural heritage, turning our country into a regional model for development and research in conservation and offering an education of academic excellence, supported by a solid scientific, humanistic and artistic base. , with sustainable preservation methods and systems over time. Applicant profile: Bachelor of Science and Engineering, Humanities or Conservation. Interest in the safeguarding of our cultural heritage. Ability to work in multidisciplinary teams. Graduate profile: It proposes viable strategies and methods for directing and executing collection management and preventive conservation projects. Develops critical understanding, based on scientific knowledge capable of identifying causes and effects of deterioration of movable cultural heritage. Develops the ability to formulate and manage research projects, as well as to disseminate knowledge of the specialty.