10 Degrees in Art Conservation in Italy for 2024

Degrees in Art Conservation in Italy for 2024Filter
    • Venice, Italy

    Full time

    2 years



    The Conservation Science and Technology for Cultural Heritage program at Ca' Foscari University of Venice offers a unique opportunity to acquire scientific training both in state-of-the-art laboratories and in the field while gaining hands-on experience with the artistic and cultural patrimony of Venice, a UNESCO heritage site.

    • Venice, Italy

    Full time

    2 years



    This program, which is taught entirely in Italian, provides you with a thorough familiarity with the history of art and artistic techniques from the Middle Ages to the modern day while enabling you to choose a specialization based on your own personal interests.

    • Venice, Italy

    Full time

    3 years



    The Degree Program provides basic knowledge related to the history and culture of the ancient and medieval world, art history, archaeology, the techniques underlying the organization of artistic productions and performances,s and audio-visual arts. It also provides fundamental knowledge on methodological issues and on the main research and analysis tools in these cultural fields, the legislation of cultural heritage, and the management and organization of cultural events.

    • Ravenna, Italy

    Full time

    2 years



    The Master's degree in Science for the Conservation-Restoration of Cultural Heritage is aimed at the education and training of Conservation Scientist, a scientist with knowledge on chemistry, physics, biology, geology and informatics applied to cultural heritage and further knowledge in conservation (ethics, history, cultural values, historical technologies, past and present conservation technologies, and practice, specific scientific aspects, etc.).

    • Rome, Italy

    Full time

    2 years


    English, Italian

    The two-year Master's course in Science and Technology for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage aims to train experts in the field of cultural heritage conservation and archaeometry. At the end of the course, they will be able to detect deterioration processes, characterize materials, and assess conservation protocols for all kinds of cultural heritage thanks to the knowledge of the physical, chemical, biological, and structural properties of materials.

  • Restoration and Conservation Certificate

    Lorenzo de' Medici - The Italian International Institute

    • Florence, Italy

    Full time



    This exciting certificate course equips students with the knowledge and technical skills needed to restore precious artworks, with a focus on developing artistic talent and creativity.

  • Summer School Diagnosis in Heritage Science

    University of Pisa Summer - Winter Schools & Foundation Course

    • Pisa, Italy

    Full time

    5 days



    The Summer School offers a one-week multidisciplinary program held at the Department of Chemistry at the University of Pisa.It is designed to train graduate students, particularly those pursuing a PhD degree, who have an interest in Heritage Science.The primary goal of the Summer School is to equip students from diverse educational backgrounds, both those with technical-scientific and humanistic degrees, with the specific skills required to initiate and develop projects focused on the proper diagnosis and conservative management of Cultural Heritage.The Summer School will provide lectures to impart knowledge on the characterization of organic materials, suitable techniques for their analysis, and the evaluation of their state of deterioration. Additionally, the curriculum will include a thorough examination of products and technologies used in conservation.

    • Padua, Italy

    Full time

    2 years



    The Master’s degree acknowledges the recent scientific advances in the investigation of cultural heritage materials at different scales, from the site/landscape survey to diagnostics at the molecular and atomic levels, and the interpretation of derived information.

    • Florence, Italy

    Part time



    You will start learning from basics of oil painting, watercolor, fresco and other techniques to extend your learning to space structure and understandings of shading, composition, including lectures on art history in order to study Italian art and outdoor drawing, participants will learn both traditional techniques and modern techniques.

  • Restoration Program

    Florence Classical Arts Academy

    • Florence, Italy

    Full time

    1 year


    English, Russian

    The program includes copying paintings of old masters and learning their original techniques while learning to restore artworks. Upon completion of the three-year program, the student graduates with a diploma. Upon completion of one - year program, the students receive a certificate.