3 Degrees in Architecture in Madrid, Spain for 2024

Degrees in Architecture in Madrid, Spain for 2024Filter
    • Madrid, Spain
    • Berzosa, Spain
    • + 1 more

    Full time

    4 years

    Blended, On-Campus

    English, Spanish

    We are design. The architectural projects of our School of Architecture propose the regeneration of the territory through an avant-garde perspective, with a strong commitment to the place and the landscape at all levels. We are experimental thanks to our experimental workshops that intensify education in ephemeral architecture, prototyping and lighting, subjects that distinguish the students' education. We are green. Training in areas such as Territory and Energy emphasize a sustainable approach to urban project design. The management of mobility, carbon footprint, and energy efficiency are determining parameters for designing and building a new and better world.

    • Madrid, Spain

    Full time

    5 years


    Spanish, English

    Architecture is a complex discipline that combines scientific and technical rigour with the creativity and aesthetics of art. At Universidad CEU San Pablo, you will acquire an integral and balanced education over 5 years in all areas: technical, humanities, and projects. Our university degree has received the substantial equivalency by the NAAB and surpasses international quality standards. Up-to-date with the latest developments in the field, it is managed by a body of working professionals who contribute value from their own professional activities.

    • Madrid, Spain
    • Amsterdam, Netherlands

    Part time

    15 months



    The Master in Business for Architecture and Design trains professionals for a future that does not differentiate between business and design, not between physical and digital, and in which action, collaboration, and multidisciplinarity are the rule. Architects and designers stand out as creative and analytical thinkers, that can contribute with powerful solutions to some of the complex problems of our time. But developing this potential in full requires a vision and a set of skills that go far beyond their realm. Impact in spatial design implies understanding how the economy works, how companies create and manage value through ideas, people, and processes, how industry problems can be transformed into business opportunities, how clients and companies engage with each other, or how technology and innovation can empower organizations.