1 Degrees in Applied Sciences in Switzerland for 2024

Degrees in Applied Sciences in Switzerland for 2024Filter
  • Master of Applied Sciences (MASc)

    E.H.E. European University EurAka Switzerland

    • Therwil, Switzerland


    ‘The Master of Applied Sciences (MASc) is a research-based program that provides advanced knowledge and practice in a chosen area of specialization, developing the skills for conducting research in this area, plus a thesis satisfactorily defended.’ The Master of Applied Sciences is far more important than generally known. Its purpose is to introduce students to theoretical backgrounds, which address the 'real world' for finding best-practice solutions. But for being best practice, they need solid analysis and investigation, which is indispensable for good and informed decision-making. This analytical orientation makes the MASc a deal programme and through the variety of subject areas interesting to many. Its flexible structure demands little physical presence making it especially attractive for professionals.