5 On-Campus Degrees in Aerospace Engineering in Spain for 2024

On-Campus Degrees in Aerospace Engineering in Spain for 2024Filter
    • Villaviciosa de Odón, Spain

    Full time

    4 years



    The Degree in Aerospace Engineering at Universidad Europea is a regulated degree, designed to train future aerospace engineers through a multidisciplinary curriculum. Our graduates of the degree in aerospace engineering will have multiple options to work in various sectors, including, for example, in engineering, public functions, or the area of research and teaching.

    • Ourense, Spain

    Full time

    4 years



    The Degree in Aerospace Engineering trains future Engineers, Aeronautical Technicians (regulated profession) who deal with the design, construction, maintenance and improvement of aircraft and space vehicles, as well as all the equipment, subsystems and infrastructures they require .

    • Madrid, Spain

    600 hours



    You're an engineer? Do you want to increase your knowledge in aeronautical design, manufacturing and maintenance? Receive extensive and rigorous training to understand and use technology and apply it to aerospace design, manufacturing and maintenance. Train with the best professionals and do internships with the leading aeronautical companies in our country:

  • Master's Degree in Computational Fluid Mechanics

    Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV)

    • Valencia, Spain

    Full time

    18 months



    In certain areas of industry such as automotive, aerospace, energy, chemistry, civil engineering... detailed knowledge of complex phenomena related to mass transfer (fluid mechanics) and energy transfer (thermal management, heat transmission) is fundamental for the design, development and optimization of systems that can be implemented in products of these industries.

    • Leganés, Spain

    Full time

    4 years



    The Bachelor's Degree in Aerospace Engineering aims to train professionals to work in companies that design, manufacture, and certify a large variety of products and systems, ranging from space shuttles and satellites to helicopters and airplanes, to rocket and jet engines. Aerospace companies also design and certify airport and air navigation systems, as well as the tools the specialist needs to maintain such vehicles and systems.