2 Degrees in Aerospace Engineering in Russia for 2024

Degrees in Aerospace Engineering in Russia for 2024Filter
  • Master of Science in Engineering Systems

    The Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech)

    • Moscow, Russia

    Full time

    2 years



    The program focuses on developing critical skills, understanding, and mastery for the digital transformation of industry and the development of cyber-physical systems and products in all fields on Earth and in Space, fostering the synergies and interdependencies between engineering, industry, robotics, and space science. It combines the study of the general principles of complex engineering system development, fundamentals of detailed analysis with participation in satellite, drone, and robotic systems-building projects. The graduates will be able to support and play leading roles in architecting future product development and engineering systems implementations in digital and automated environments, including those of new space with large space systems constellations. We teach students to find creative solutions to the biggest challenges in modern products and complex systems including those of space and robotics industries.

  • Master's programs Missile systems and astronautics

    BAUMAN Moscow State Technical University

    • Moscow, Russia

    Full time

    2 years



    The area of professional activity includes: equipment and technologies related to the functioning of objects of rocket and space technology, design, construction, manufacture of rocket and space systems and composite structures. Wide-profile specialists take part in the analysis of the state of rocket and space technology, carry out technical work to create a database of modern composite structures and technologies for their manufacture, participate in determining the type of product, the composition of the rocket and space complex and its internal interconnections, the external appearance of the product included in rocket complex and spacecraft.